House of Cards

 I re-watched House of Cards series in Netflix. Is it scary, very much so. But not in a sci-fi or ghost-zombie type of scary? It is real world scary.

Looking at the dealings the politicians make, which we will never be aware of, I will re-iterate my previous quote - "आसन्द निमित्तं बहुकृत वेषम्". Asanda in sanskrit means chair - kursi - the throne if you may. 

I wonder when ever our politicians take oath on the Holy Gita or other holy scriptures - will be they be imagining this book "the house of cards"? Will the new interns into political parties be taught this book/videos one lesson at a time? In times of crisis, will the 'leaders' lock themselves in their chambers and look into this book for guidance?

For those of you who are living under rocks - 'House of cards' is a TV series about a very ambitious couple Frank Underwood and Claire Underwood and all their 'struggles' to become president and then to retain that power. 

The struggle involves lot of hard work and plenty of planning. What is a murder or two, when you are working for saving the democracy of beloved nation?

So it chilling - blood curdling and really depressing. But again you have those feelings most days when you look at newspaper headlines too. 

The name is apt - democracy is in fact a house of cards. We try to work with some false notions, imagined ideals and false belief in human good nature.


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