
Now Satyavati is married to Shantanu and is living happily ever after. But what happens to her children.
She has two children called Chitrangada and Vichitraveerya. The elder son Chitrangada is coronated as the king while Shantanu goes to the forest for his last days.

Chitrangada - her elder son. has to fight a war with Gandharva’s - people from Gandhara. And is sadly killed in the war. So the throne comes to her younger son Vichitraveerya. And he, with the guidance of Bheeshma is ruling the country from Hastinapur.  

Now the king of Kashi had three daughters of marriageable age. What was the marriageable age in those days - thousands of years ago? Who knows? May be as soon as they hit puberty. Anyway, the king arranged a swayamvar for his daughters. 

Swayamvar is a  gathering of suitors - all kings and princes. The suitors will stand in a line and declare their qualifications. And the bride will chose the groom and garland him. This  was called swayamvar - swayam - self, vara - to wed. That tradition vanished later and arranged marriages took its place. 

Bheeshma also reached this swayamvar. He wanted a bride not for himself - remember his bheeshma vow, but for his step brother - Vichitraveerya. 

When all the kings mention their names, Bheeshma approaches the princesses and takes them in his chariot. And addresses the gathered kings - “I am taking these princesses. Vanquish me or be vanquished.”
And then he proceeds to fight with all kings and defeats them. He wins the three princesses.

 This was  legal too. Yes, by defeating the kings, didn’t he prove that he is most eligible bachelor among all - isn’t how the new age reality shows like “Bachelor” work? 

But sadly this bachelor wants to remain bachelor, but brings the three princesses home to wed to his brother. Model son, now a model brother too!

So the wedding arrangements with great luxury are made in Hastinapur. There is a minor complication though. 

The eldest princess Amba has liked a king called Shalya and had decided to select him in the swayamvar. But Bheeshma foiled her plan.And she comes to him smilingly to this  benevolent brother and tells him that she wanted to marry Shalya and even her father had approved of this match.

Bheeshma consults elders and priests and then tells Amba she can go back to Shalya and marry him. 

And wedding of Vichitraveerya with other two pricecesses takes with much pomp and grandeur.
After the marriage, Vichitraveerya is taken to lust. He spends all his time with his wives, submerged in physical pleasures. But sadly eight years after the marriage, he dies of tuberculosis.  

Well, the question arises - was there such a disease at the time, or how was it diagnosed? 

Anyways, he dies and Satyavati whose father was so enamoured by throne, is left with no grand children. And kuru dynasty does not have any heirs.   

Now Satyavati realizes all this is her fault and her father's fault. She approaches her step son Bheeshma and implores him to marry and have children so that the race may continue. 

But he is Bheeshma and will not break his vow. He tells her that, it is possible for her daughters in law to conceive children by sages or learned brahmins. And these children will belong to the field, not to the seed - that is they will be children of Vichitraveerya. 

On hearing this Satyavati suggests her own son - Vyasa. Before being married to Shantanu, she had a son by a sage Parashara. This son Vyasa had told her to call him in any difficulties. 

So Vyasa comes to the palace and the Satyavati's elder daughter in law, Ambika are sent to his bed chamber. Ambika became fearful of his appearance and kept her eyes closed the entire time. Vyasa tells Satyavati next day that as her daughter in law had shut her eyes, she will give birth to a blind son, he was called Dhritarashtra. 

Satyavati wants a king for the kingdom who is physically fit. So she sends her second daughter in law to the bed chambers of the sage. Looking at matted hair of Vyasa and his appearance became pale. And she gave birth to a pale child and he was called Pandu. 

Satyavati sends her elder daughter in law again, deciding that this time at least she should get a fit grand child. But Ambika stealthily sends her maid servant to the sage's bed chamber. And this maid gives birth to a wise, brave child. He is called Vidura. 

Funny how the entire clan is descended from the person who wrote the story.


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