When a person fears something, he becomes deluded, and is unable to think clearly. Makes mistakes often and as a result, faces further difficulties. So what does one fear? As we progress in our age, and become wise old men/women, there aren't many things we need to fear. We don't fear the loss of our beauty, as it is a long gone. We don't fear the loss of our youth, again same argument. We only have to fear jaraa mratyu - old age and death. And of course vyadhi - disease. But me, I don't fear vyadhi much, because by God's grace, I am reasonably healthy. Except for occasional digestive disorders. I think I fear uncertainty. For example take today - I had sudden stomach cramp. Now I started my endless cycle of thought-process. What might have caused it - did I have slight burning in my tongue as well? Do I have food poisoning? How and why? Unfortunately these questions are not easy to answer. More so for me, as I don't eat healthy and over eat many days. Many...