Sisyphus-ian tasks

 If there is any task I have encountered in my life which resembles the life of sisyphus, it is gradle build - that is compiling my android program using a software called gradle.

It will eat up gigabytes of downloads. It will download millions of library packages. It will do so many magical things. Finally to tell you that 'gradle build failed'.

And you try to change gradle version, importing gradle, cleaning up the cache. Even cleaning your home. No use - it WONT build.

But that was past. Today I tried building my 'memory' app. And as usual the task failed with a silly message that the word 'compile' is unknown or something.

Aha, typical gradle. Doesn't understand compile - if it is not compiling what the hell is it doing. But just for the heck of it, I tried googling the exact error message. Not 4000 words, just the keywords.

Voila, it told me that  the newer option is to use keyword implementation instead of compile. And changing the word, compiled the project successfully. 

So, coming to think of it - why didn't Sisyphus use some kind of stopper to stop the boulder from rolling down? You have done a large amount of work - which you don't want to go to waste. Use your brain - not only brawn. Or he could have pushed to rock near a tree, lean it against the tree, when he wanted to rest.


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