I am learning some networking stuff from a video. Does that make me happy. Of course. But these things are really lengthy, too many and confusing. Except for ifconfig, I do not remember other commands. Of course now I know that DNS servers can be specified using /etc/resolv.conf. And dhclient command restarts the DHCP server. But in my machine it gave some error. I googled and gave rm option. And then ran it again. Not very clear how it works yet. But these TED talk videos which I should really use in life, which may be more needed to me than ifconfig, I use them just as sleeping pills. Today I was watching a TED talk about how chronic diseases like diabetes, depression etc. should not be treated with tablets but with lifestyle changes. Sad thing I did not watch it till end so I am unclear about it. OK, let me give you one link I don't know much about this person Jim Kwik, but some how the video touched me. It is not TED talk. It is an interview. And another concept ...