
Showing posts from January, 2018





Learning is eternal

I am learning some networking stuff from a video. Does that make me happy. Of course. But these things are really lengthy, too many and confusing. Except for ifconfig, I do not remember other commands. Of course now I know that DNS servers can be specified using /etc/resolv.conf. And dhclient command restarts the DHCP server. But in my machine it gave some error. I googled and gave rm option. And then ran it again. Not very clear how it works yet. But these TED talk videos which I should really use in life, which may be more needed to me than ifconfig, I use them just as sleeping pills. Today I was watching a TED talk about how chronic diseases like diabetes, depression etc. should not be treated with tablets but with lifestyle changes. Sad thing I did not watch it till end so I am unclear about it. OK, let me give you one link I don't know much about this person Jim Kwik, but some how the video touched me. It is not TED talk. It is an interview. And another concept

Your choice?

Let us look at some image. Now a days image uploading has become very difficult. Why? You feel this happens to you very often in real life. You have to make blind choices. And no matter what you do it will prove to be harmful to you. Happens to me. No, no, this funny (dark) game is completely text based and written in python with just 42 lines of code. Not my invention. I copied it from If you are interested, here is the program. import random import time def displayIntro (): print ( '''You are in a land full of dragons. In front of you, you see two caves. In one cave, the dragon is friendly and will share his treasure with you. The other dragon is greedy and hungry, and will eat you on sight.''' ) print () def chooseCave (): cave = '' while cave != '1' and cave != '2' : print ( 'Which cave will you go into? (1 or 2)' ) c

Mental cleanse

Whether we follow these or not, these lists make us inspired. A teeny tiny bit. Image from pinterest

Don't stop


Age is just a (large) number

A friend told me yesterday that I have aged a lot since she saw me last. A friend - some of you are wondering. OK, acquaintance. Few other people have opined the same thing - may not be so directly. See, some of us have a way with our words. And some of us don't. I belong to second category. I talk first. Then think. Endlessly. So I have aged a lot since last 10 years. Not that I try anything to hide my age. I rarely ever dye my salt and pepper hair. I have aged considerably more in the last one year. I may age further in 2018. May be in GP, not even arithmetic progression. What is the reason for this? You would have known if you had read my blogs (now hacked  blocked out)carefully. But fine. Age is just a number. And I can proudly say that I am still active. And have not yet got any age related ailments like BP, Diabetes and arthritis. I can walk for half an hour a day. (I can and occasionally I do :) ). I am technically savvy - when compared to people of my age and my cate

3 hobbies


Good and bad

If there is God, good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people. But we all know that is not happening. So does it mean He is not there? Or does it mean, we good people have to wait for much longer - may be for “after life” for good things to happen to us? Context People always complain that "Good things happen to bad people". (Isn't that what I am doing right now?)  More often when people say that “good things happen to bad people”, they have some one in mind who is “ not good” but still gets the benefit. And they also imply that they are very good, and hence good things do not happen to them. Good people do bad deeds? You have read some where that "Good people do good things and bad people do bad things. But it takes religion to make Good people do bad things." Or may be even ideology. Does that mean religion and ideology are bad for us because they make us do bad things? Victim-hood More often people who keep complai


deja vu - this has happened earlier. I am again locked out of my regular blog. And wait for it.... my developer account too. So I can cry until the crows come home or I can try to recreate my life. I do not have life outside of these. Because, you know what comes next. So if at all you some blogs coming out of my hegde-hwb blog, c blog or ds blog, at current time, you can presume that it is from the hacker. Or if you see some updates to any of my apps - apps by usha hegde, you can presume that the hacker's aim was my apps. But who knows I may get my accounts back and life may become less difficult once again. We are supposed to see almost empty glass and still be happy that we have a glass at least to drink some thing from. Right?