Murder of Utopia

How does it feel to see the revolution you built or participated, crumble in front of you? Turn it into a monster, turn into a similar system you were fighting against or worse than that? Cause violence and death of hundred of people?

I am not talking about Jayaprakash Narayan and his Janata party (where is it now?). I am not talking about more recent Anna Hazare and Lokpal Andolan and Kejriwal. And I am certainly not talking about Gandhiji and Independence struggle.

I am talking about Milan Kundera - a Czech born French writer, the author of "The unbearable lightness of being".

He was part of communist movement in his country. Then the party arrested him. Later Russia invaded his country. And finally he came to France and settled there. Now Czechoslovakia has canceled his citizenship.

He rarely goes to his homeland. If at all he goes, he does with a masquerade( I know it is not the right word).

Yes, I recently read his book and I keep thinking how disillusioned he might have felt about failed communism in his country.

All the revolutionaries have at least one thing in common. They get to see the murder of their utopia - sooner or later. Am I right? Tell me one revolution which has retained its pure virtue, its agenda and its principles?

So may be our Indian "chalta hai" attitude is better - as it causes lesser harm?


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