Yet another election

Another election has approached. Another election, another dance of democracy. Dance and drama. So much drama!

Now we the smart citizens of this country need to decide. Are these political parties different from each other in any way at all? In corruption? In criminalization of politics? In divisive tactics?

We have all read how most of the candidates of these parties are crorepathis now. We have seen how some of these have criminal backgrounds. And we have seen how they are all trying to divide us in the name of religion, language.

And we have also seen that, when they are asking our votes, they do not tell us, what kind of improvements they plan to bring into our lives. Improve our roads, reduce our water scarcities, bring down the  inflation, reduce unemployment.

No, I haven't heard any of these things. I don't think, you have heard these plans  either. Instead what we have heard was just blame games. Blaming the opposition party for everything. Using very non-parliamentary language. A language which makes us cringe.

But if at all we see a difference, it is in their fight mode. The ruling party has mastered the art of election preparation. It uses sama, dana, danda, bheda and so many other things to fight and win an election. And it does have lot of preparation as it has been in this fight mode ever since it came into power.

But the opposition party does not know how to fight an election. It has zero organizational skills. It has no tacts, nor a Chanakya to plan a strategy. Even in this particular election where it is a question of survival for the party, it is completely unprepared. Unprepared to face such a mighty opponent.

But many citizens, common men and women are speaking against the ruling party. They feel it is imperative that ruling party should be defeated in this election. Not only for the survival of the age old party which got us freedom from British, but also to retain that freedom and not to turn our nation into some sort of dictatorship.

So my only request to you all is, before you vote, make a pros and cons table of both parties (all three if you want). Make this table with as much honesty as possible. Take the help of your family members if you want. Then decide for yourselves - who do you want to be ruled by.


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