
Showing posts from July, 2018

Truth vs whatsapp truth

Let us look at some hypothetical situation. I write a whatsapp message saying that I read a book called Mithyameva written by Vimudha recently. The book looks really very old. It was in my great uncle's house along with all other old documents, which are kept in peetha and prayed to every year during Saraswati puja. And in that book there is a statement which says 1 = 0  So it must be really true. One is equal to zero. I send this message to few of my friends and acquaintances. They send to their friends and families, their friends groups. Then the message goes viral. So now everyone is discussing it. How can it be true? How can one be zero? It is basic arithmetic. But the person who sent is an engineer who left his job to read our scriptures in Sanskrit. He (it has to be he, how can a Pandita be a woman?) knows both science and technology and our culture. He has read our vedas and puranas. So it must be true. Say so many illiterate and literate people. But of cou

Some photos

Some how I forgot this. For once I have photos which are not sad photos of sad looking me. But very interesting photos. Shedd Aquarium Chicago I have many more videos of this aquarium which I will be posting in due course. Field museum chicago Well this place is wonderful haven for art lovers. There are so many paintings both from older times and contemporary. And there are statues. The collections are from all over the world. I had tried shooting the names of the paintings also. But it is vain. I don't know any name. But the best museum was Met in New york. What I liked there was a huge collection of marble statues from Greek and Roman civilizations. Many are broken, but the faces are so perfect, as if they are not mortal.  

Jean Val Jean

One day in his last visit, our son suddenly started talking philosophy. "To your prosperity, so many people have contributed directly or indirectly. Don't you think it is time, you people started giving back to the society". That was more almost 8 months ago. And we have not started yet. Because our middle class mentality is always, as long as we don't harm others, or cheat others, we are fine. We earn a honest living, save for a rainy day and that is it. Why do I remember it today? I was reading about Jean ValJean. You remember him from the book/movie "Les miserables". The person who was punished for 19 years of prison for stealing "a loaf of bread". Don't just disregard this by saying that it is a story, from another country, from another era. Aren't there many such Jean ValJeans in our own society? In fact in our country, there are thousands of people who are in prison for many years waiting for their judgment. Yes, of course.

Lrat lakar - future tense

After bhoota, we need to cover bhavishya too. Ok - bhoota kaala is past tense and bhavishyat kala is future tense. And I am writing these without looking into my book because I studied these terms for my Kannada grammar. ages ago. Future tense  is relatively simple in Sanskrit. Because you need to just add "ish" to the dhatu and use the same form as present tense. And I am not talking about Aishwarya Rai wali ish. So bhavati become bhavishyati . likhati becomes likhishyati and so on. Now it is time for some sample sentences. स​: लिखिष्यति    - she will write सा खादिष्यति     - she will eat मार्जाल​: गमिष्यति (not गच्छिष्यति )   - the cat will go ते वदिष्यन्ति             - they will speak ता: धाविष्यन्ति         - they (f.) will run त्वं श्व​: ग्रामं गमिष्यसि  - Tomorrow you grow to village.  यूयं पुस्तकं दास्यथ - You all will give book यूयं लिखिष्यथ   - You all will write अहं प्रक्ष्यामि    - I shall see अहं आगमिष्यामि  - I shall come वयं वन्दिष्यामहे    - We shall

ल​ङ् lakar in Sanskrit

We always have an option. Either to wallow in self pity or get up and do some thing. OK. So here are my Sanskrit knowledge. Past tense or ल​ङ् lakar Past tense of verbs is formed in Sanskrit by adding a prefix of "a" and adding modified dhatus. Let us look at some sentences. Rama went to school.     रामः विद्यालयम् अगच्छत् | Sita drank water.   सीता जलम् अपिबत् | He read the book. सः पुस्तकम् अपठत् | They went home. ते  गृहम् अगच्छन् | Women ate fruits. महिलाः फलान् अखादन् | Boys wrote.  बालकाः अलिखन् | You laughed. त्वम् अहसः | You drank milk. त्वम् क्षीरम् अपिबः | You ran. त्वम् अधावः | You all prayed   यूयम् अनमत​ | You all brought flowers. यूयम् पुष्पान् अनयत | You all talked. यूयम् अवदत | I ate. अहम् अखादम् | I read a book अहम् पुस्तकम् अपठम् | I sang. अहम् अगायम्| We prayed. वयम् अनमाम | We drank water वयम् जलम् अपिबाम | We danced वयम् अनृत्याम | Note that all these verbs are parasmai padi verbs. So the table is here.              


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Wrong and Right


