
Showing posts from January, 2019


Call me anti national. Call me any other names you want. But I am really worried about the direction in which our country is moving. All truths are morphed completely. Lies and more lies are told and tragically are believed everywhere.   Gandhiji is made into a villain and Godse a hero. Everyone from Congress are made into villains some of who even from their graves are trying to harm our people. Intellectuals, writers, college students all are villains who want to break our country.  Any one who has a voice not just chant is a villain. Will our nation remain secular? Democratic? Nation?  I am scared

An unimportant post

When you are physically unwell, you need a real passion. Otherwise you will end up lying on the couch staring at the blank switched off TV. My real passion, it turns out is not coding but politics. After I started reading Wikipedia pages of various leaders of our country and other countries I got my mind off my ailments. These people are great. Not even the famous “house of cards” is a match to these narratives. Wanting to read more, I opened an online magazine and read an interview with famous Magsaysay winner. What happens to the cows when farmers can no longer feed them? They are let loose and they feed on whatever they as green. Often the crops of farmers. Does cow vigilanteism has something to do with corporates by increasing agrarian crisis and forcing farmers to sell off their lands? It is scary! After that I decided to take up another current topic and directly write in my Facebook that Is operation Kamala not corruption? Or are we not supposed to “consider “ that as corruptio


Man is very complex. Most of his actions are inconsistent. He tries very hard and builds a roof over his head. Then he gives the sky a yearning look as if somebody snatched his sky from him. He toils day and night for feeding himself and his family. But decides not to feed himself with most of the things because he wants to be healthy. He buys all possible devices to evade physical work. Then he spends so much time and money to do get physical exercise. He destroys all vegetation to build a house, then grows a tiny plant which is absolutely useless and beams with pride. Yes, he is very complex. 

Simon game

I will not start preaching like all other old people about how I did not have any games when I was young, instead I would get up at 5 am and walk 6 miles etc.  No, instead I will tell you about a children’s game called Simon game. There will be 4 coloured blocks which play diiferent tunes when pressed. The toy will light up a series of blocks and play tunes. The player should repeat the same sequence. I am thinking of developing this game. No, actually I have the code ready. It was part of my Memorypro app.  I am working on the app. So, you my dear readers can wait for yet another apps by Hegdeapps 

Simplified C++

There are many apps in the market which teach us tech topics. Most of them are free too. If they do contain videos, then you need to be online to view the app. This may not be possible always. So "Simplified C++" app has notes which are can be read aloud. And there is no need to be online also. Using settings option, user can hear the C++ notes even when the app is in the background. Great feature!! Isn't it? If you are learning C++, download the app now.


Writer’s block? No, not exactly. Half the things which I want to write, I am afraid to. The atmosphere is not conducive for that. And I am neither brave, nor famous to write something and still survive. You know what I mean. And the other half, is really boring and is of no use to any one.  In an unrelated topic,  timing is everything. Bringing out all your astra (weapons) at the time of war is very crucial. That is what Chanakyas of the world would do. Wouldn’t they? Yudhakala reminds me. There were no suitcases back then, when our Santana Sanskriti started thousands of years ago. There weren’t. So all this “suitcase politics “ must have started much later. May be 70 years of congress rule must have brought it. Like all the other evils it has brought. Bad party! But there is still a way to stop this drama which happens again and again. Which sends the shivers to the rulers and make them spend sleepless nights. There can be a legislation that a person who got e
Lucifer looks into the eyes of suspect and asks with a charming smile on his face “what is that you desire most”. He knows how to bring out the answer. After all he is the lord of devils But invariably, the answer is some thing silly - like one mafia lord saying his desire is that people buy his art because they like it. Invariably Lucifer is disappointed. I am of course talking about the serial Lucifer which I am watching.  Similarly my deepest desire is people download my app. Equally ridiculous! 

"Simplified C++" published

After a long delay I finally published my C++ app. For the name, I searched for some fancy names and finally selected Simplified C++. Name is not the only one which is new in this app. I did add some nice features like quiz, read-aloud etc.    Hope users find it as a" simplified app" for learning C++ language. Other tech apps have quiz and programs. But in this app, I have added notes on each topic with plenty of examples. And there is a 25 question quiz which can be taken offline and any number of times. The questions are random, so they will not be same each time. At the end of the quiz, there will be a bar chart with your performance in each topic. The unique feature is you can make your phone read out the notes for you. You can even change the settings to read out while app is in background. Hope this helps users. You can download the app from google play

Patricide or fratricide

Lucifer the morning star is angry with his father. Very very angry. Whenever he hears the word patricide his eyes gleam with enthusiasm. And he hears it occasionally as a consultant to LAPD detective. So what has made this young man so angry with his father? Did dad take away stop his pocket money? Or did he not buy his son the latest car? No, it’s way worse. Lucifer’s father banished him to hell. Yes, the literally. Because Lucifer’s dad is none other than God.  Lucifer got frustrated with hell. See, hell can become unbearable, even for those who are punishers. Lucifer is the head of torture department. And he hates the place and his work. So he decides - to hell with hell. Let me go to earth ( where I can learn new methods of mental tortures? )  and he lands in LA. There he buys a night club and starts running it. As a side business, he assists Detective Cloey. Because he likes punishing the guilty and also he is attracted to the detective.  But as he is not in hell, there is no one

Infinite loop

If I have to say déjà vu I will have to make a bhajan out of it. No, I am not employed in some 9 to 5 job doing the same work again and again. In my work as app developers I face same problems again and again. And I am not talking about bugs in the program like null pointer exceptions. Though they may get repeated, they do get solved. And then comes the question of futility of these works. My apps get single digit downloads after I work for 7 8 months on them. Great. And they do not give any kind of monetary benefits either.  But according to Laura in The blind assassin, God loves us to do futile work. Like we give some toys to the toddler to keep them busy. Thy wish will be done. So futile or fruitful I will continue to do my work. Again and again and again. Like the king Sisyphus in Greek mythology, rolling a huge boulder up a hill. Or as my version of Gita shloka says Karmanyeva adhikaraste Yasya phalameva nasti 


I thought of starting a new Twitter account with some name such as NationKnows or better UnBhakta, then reply to the wonderful discussions going on tv channels. But, who will do all that? And I have to try out the tweak for disabled button colour. Which is better than talking about “enabled” people. Here are some points though. #Arnab, nation wants to know. But use your microphone and tv channel.  #Arnab, nation some times want to know what others are talking too. #Navika, it is nice to know that when ruling party members come for discussion, your teeth come out instead of your claws. #IndianMedia, In our time, there was a word called sycophants. Now it is replaced by “journalists”