
Showing posts from December, 2022
Mobiles do take revenge, you know. How else do you explain the song streaming app filling my daily list with songs of all languages except the two I listen - Hindi and Kannada? I as a rule click on no button for any popups on screen. So no location services for any app - not even for maps. Unless I am desperate and do not understand how to get home.( not spiritually). Unless the app knows where I live, how can it determine my language preference? That's one way of looking at it.  But the app must know, if it knows anything about our country, that all of us love Hindi music. Why no Hindi songs, spotify? But the positive effect of this is, I have started liking Carnatic music, with its Tamil songs - even its heart wrenching renditions - no disrespect intended.   Some times even the nature takes revenge, I suspect. How else do you explain, the chilly, drizzly morning when one day I decide to venture out and contrasted by clear, colorfully adorned skyline in the evening?  Ashte, hence

Bruno Shulz

 I heard about this author in a podcast. Thought worth finding out more about him. Shulz was a twentieth century writer from small town called Dragobych in Poland. Now this town is located in Ukraine.  A jewish writer in the world war era - from Poland. You do the math. Yes, he was brutally shot by a Nazi officer in November 1942 at the age of 40. Shulz was born to a middle class Jewish family. Father was a shop keeper and mother was a house wife.  He studied architecture for a short period of time. Then he started teaching art in a school in his home town.  According to one of his students, he was very shy and timid, lacking any form of self confidence. Knowing that he will be surely bullied by students, he adopted story telling in class. Made of mythological stories, which completely engrossed the students and kept Shulz out of trouble from these young ruffians.  In his free time, he would draw. But his literary interest, he kept hidden from the world.  Self portrait by Bruno Shulz  

The reluctant spy and a ghoul

I started listening to some book podcast by BBC where they introduce authors and their books. Podcasts unlike reading may feel they are closer but they are not. When you are multitasking, you may not have heard some phrases, or not understood clearly. With no google under your finger tips, you will not look it up.  So I keep on hearing about these great authors and their great works and then forget their names. May be I should stick listening to songs instead. They are soothing at least.  But the OTT serials I am watching are "interesting". I watched one season of American Horror story and many episodes of Patriot. Horror story is filled with endless murders by ghosts in a house called by locals as murder house . But I think there is lack of suspense. I remember Hindi movies about ghosts with eerie musics and sudden appearances and such things. May be that was my expectation. I did not like the show so much but have a go at it if you want to watch ghost stories.  And this spy


ಬಾಲ್ಕನಿಯ ಹೂಗಳು  ಬಟ್ಟೆಯ ಕ್ಲಿಪ್ಪುಗಳು ಅಮ್ಮನ, ಅಪ್ಪನ, ಅಕ್ಕನ ಬಣ್ಣಬಣ್ಣದ ಅಂಗಿ, ಲುಂಗಿ, ಕಾಚಗಳು ಒರೆಸಿ ಒರೆಸಿ ಕರಕಲಾದ ಮೋಪುಗಳು. ಸತ್ತೇ ಹೋಗುತ್ತೇನೆಂದು ಧಮಕಿ ಹಾಕುತ್ತಿರುವ ಚಿರಿರಿ ಎನ್ನುವ ತುಳಸಿ ಪ್ರಕೃತಿಯೋ , ಅದು ನಮಗೆ ನಸೀಬವಿಲ್ಲ ಬಿಡಿ.


You know about mails sent by  banks with some encrypted pdf files. And the banks are  kind enough to send the format of the password with the file? Yeah, I today received such a mail with an encrypted file, which when opened turned out to be blank - completely empty.  And yet another "encrypted" pdf file, which had dated information.  So much for the security! And digital India. And I am at fault too. I had recently installed gmail app (and then deleted it in the next 10 minutes) on my phone. Which might mean, the phone somehow had held on to my account information. And might have decided to give it out :).  To whomever it fancied. And when we are talking about untruth, the humans are no less at fault. The amount of truth they are willing tell you, depends on how much power you have and how much of it you display. (And you can't uninstall, reboot or factory reset humans. Sadly.) I accept, as I don't see the external world so much, these harsh realities of life are all


 Have you heard about Bhopal Union Carbide tragedy? Have you also heard about drug trials on humans and its consequences? Then you already know the story of OTT Hindi series "Human".  Add a few doses of super selfish villain with childhood trauma and some LGBTQ drama. That's it. Some deviations in this serial are both the super super selfish villain and LGBTQ person are both women and excellent doctors. And they manipulate the entire world with their professionalism and wily nature.  Dr. Gauri Nath is the head of a large hospital Manthan in Bhopal and her motto and inspiration was to help the victims of Union Carbide tragedy. As she was a victim herself - having lost her entire family and then being adapted by kind hearted doctor Nath.  And Dr. Saira Sabharwala is a very talented cardiac surgeon newly retired to her hometown. Dr. GauriNath has a need and means to know everything about everyone. How else can a person run such a large successful hospital and in the process


If you can't beat them, then copy them. Seems to be the newly learnt mantra of a certain AK. (And a certain RG’s new mantra? No new mantra. For he does not believe in moving away from sure path of self destruction.  But I stand corrected, he IS doing something with Jodo Yatra )  Because, in these difficult times, where people don't know whom or what to believe, and they are not shown the right path by any one; ideals like philanthropy, equality of all citizens, and helping the less fortunate may not work. Have not worked much so far. But propaganda sure does.  Do you find this concept funny? Or amusing at least? No?  But what certainly was funny according to the new lord of twitter and his company is, a post by a certain right leaning loudmouth who usually is an expert in spewing venom and trying to be on the right side of rulers  (doubly right!) was categorized as funny post by twitter. But what he wrote with images was not funny - not even according to him. He just wrote that