Mobiles do take revenge, you know. How else do you explain the song streaming app filling my daily list with songs of all languages except the two I listen - Hindi and Kannada?

I as a rule click on no button for any popups on screen. So no location services for any app - not even for maps. Unless I am desperate and do not understand how to get home.( not spiritually).

Unless the app knows where I live, how can it determine my language preference? That's one way of looking at it. 

But the app must know, if it knows anything about our country, that all of us love Hindi music. Why no Hindi songs, spotify?

But the positive effect of this is, I have started liking Carnatic music, with its Tamil songs - even its heart wrenching renditions - no disrespect intended. 

 Some times even the nature takes revenge, I suspect. How else do you explain, the chilly, drizzly morning when one day I decide to venture out and contrasted by clear, colorfully adorned skyline in the evening? 

Ashte, hence forth, all my posts will be as drab as this. There is no humor, no rightful indignation, no making fun of my favorite person in the sky. Just plain blah blah blah. 

28th Dec 2022

The moment I open my eyes, I switch on my laptop. Such a busy person, have so much work to do the entire day, that morning few minutes are the only time I get to work on my laptop. 

B***t, I switch it on because it almost takes 2-3 minutes to boot, and I want to ramble on and on about all the useless thoughts which occurred to me in the morning hours - from the pitch dark hour I am awke till the time I decide that it is time for my first tea. 

I was thinking about Bruno Shulz and then Milan Kundera. Shulz was a Polish writer - a jewish writer during second world war and was persecuted and then executed - shot at. The result of some one's idea of 'Aryan supremacy'.

Milan Kundera was persecuted in his own country Czechoslovakia and decided to exile to France and became its citizen. Not because he was of a different race or religion, not because he was some kind of traitor. But, because the communist party he was a member of, expelled him for anti-party activities. 

I think there are thousands of writers and activists all over the world, who are and who were being persecuted for their opinions. But I don't think, this breaks them. Instead, what breaks them might be continuous flow of hatred and anger, and threats expressed by common citizens in social media. They are not super heroes  - these writers, but simple fearful people like you and me.

Anyways, one good news is, Elon Musk is moving in the right direction with twitter. Some one else must do a similar action with facebook and whatsapp and instagram. 


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