
 Pardom my bad Hindi - it is not my first language.

अगर तुम सच्चे दिल से कुछ चाहोगे तो भगवान ही तुम्हारा साथ देगा. 

You might have heard this saying too many times. But I have so many questions regarding this. 1) What is the meaning of sache dil? Does it mean that you keep thinking about it non-stop- obsessing about it? Or it means that you go to a mountain, sit in a lotus pose and start meditating on it? Or does it mean that  as is the latest trend - you keep creating viral posts about it ?

2) Isn't God little too busy to notice whether you are wishing something with sache dil ? Isn't he already flooded with millions of requests by billions of people, in the form of pujas, mannats in very many different dialects? 

3) What if you want something bad with your sache dil - e.g. you wish that your enemy will get hurt badly. Or you wish that your opposing cricket/football team lose every match it plays. Or worst of all, you wish that your nation is filled with only your people. Will God give his helping hand for these very questionable requests? 

Jokes apart - I have continued my language journey - this time with an Indian language. I already know two Indian languages, like all of you Indian brothers and sisters - my mother tongue Kannada and Hindi (to a level where I can talk to shopkeepers in Bangalore - ha, ha!). I can understand some words of Telugu and Marathi. Though I am no Manmohan Singh, I think I am OK.

This is where the story of sache dil continues. I seriously started learning this language with apps - not many good apps for South Indian languages as my niece said. And what do I notice - I hear this everywhere. I go for a walk in my apartment - I hear that language instead of the usual Hindi (did you think Kannada - are you living in 70's?). I went out in uber - the uber driver is talking non-stop  in the same language. And I heard the language in question on the streets, in the shops, everywhere. By the way, this phenomenon is called frequency illusion.

So my question to God or Universe or some such thing is - are you trying to tell me that it is a good language to learn - there are so many people I can converse it with. Or is it 'do I really think I can learn it in my advanced age? When I couldn't  understand one word from their conversations?'

I am asking this question with sache dil. So Bhagwan, answer me.


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