The storied life..
A J Fikry - how do I even pronounce it? fikri? fikai? And what type of a name is it? Currently reading "The storied life of A. J. Fikry". And liking it too. May be it is a cliche of a widower feeling so depressed in life that he wants to destroy his business and himself. And finding a little girl to take care of and thus reigniting the kindle of life. One day Fikry hears some one crying when he comes back from his running. He searches all around and finds a a little child sitting in between racks of books. But who leaves a child in a book store - in this day and age when book stores are as outdated as clocks, calendars and movie theaters. And who leaves the door unlocked in this day and age? So a hapless mother, out of her wits' end sees an unlocked door and leaves her child inside. But the note attached says "I want my daughter to be brought up in a place surrounded by books". But Fikry - a rational man does what anyone in that situation would do. He takes th...