
 My introduction to YouTube was some lady from Rajayoga who kept repeating that “tum ek sakshi ho”. 

Sakshi - witness, that’s all we are. A mute witness who can’t alter things, can’t judge things, nor in anyway take part in this drama of life. 

We witness the new direction our nation is taking. The adharma which is happening in the name of dharma. The mass mania which is being spread using tv, social media and WhatsApp. The religion which is more about exclusion than inclusion, which more about hate than love. We witness the leaders who preach and practice “hodi, badi, kollu” being brought to the centre stage. We see them justifying their hatred. We witness all these and we fear the day when we in a meek voice repeat these war cries. 

We witness humanity being defeated and destroyed by nationalism, religious fanaticism. Scientific temper being defeated by glorification of old, orthodox customs. 

And I know I am repeating the same thing like a broken tape recorder.


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