I started reading 'Jaya - an illustrated retelling of Mahabharatha' by Devdutt Patnaik. Well, initial few pages, I did feel good. His writing style is engrossing but light hearted too. But may be a little bit flippant. On the other hand, with such a large epic, a reader needs shorter and faster sub-stories. Otherwise, he/she will have to dedicate their life to reading one book. So I started reading the book. As is my habit, I shared the pdf source too. But then I started feeling infuriated, appalled. My God, this is not the story to be revered. By women. Where have I read yet another 'holy' book with such infuriating, non-divine etc. stories. Ha, it is old testament! That too has too much of violence towards men and women. Coming back to Mahabharatha - let us consider the story of Madhavi. She is the daughter of Yayati. King Yayati. So you expect this princess to lead a normal peaceful life. But no. The kings always want to display their might and wan...