
Showing posts from April, 2024


 I started reading 'Jaya - an illustrated retelling of Mahabharatha' by Devdutt Patnaik. Well, initial few pages, I did feel good. His writing style is engrossing but light hearted too. But may be a little bit flippant.  On the other hand, with such a large epic, a reader needs shorter and faster sub-stories. Otherwise, he/she will have to dedicate their life to reading one book.  So I started reading the book. As is my habit, I shared the pdf source too.  But then I started feeling infuriated, appalled. My God, this is not the story to be revered. By women.  Where have I read yet another 'holy' book with such infuriating, non-divine etc. stories. Ha, it is old testament! That too has too much of violence towards men and women.  Coming back to Mahabharatha - let us consider the story of Madhavi. She is the daughter of Yayati. King Yayati. So you expect this princess to lead a normal peaceful life. But no. The kings always want to display their might and want people to k
 Days are not going good. By now, I should have been nauseated by youtube shorts and Netflix. Because I have been doing only these things from early morning to night. No work for the brain, nor for the body. And both are screaming in pain. I also have been visiting the e-commerce sites for clothes. And that is worse. Who invented stupid sarees and who decided that we need to wear those darned things on family functions. Why can't be I in my t-shirts and pajamas or its Indian version - nighties?  If I become God, I will declare that every man, woman and child will only wear comfortable clothing on all days. Plain shirts which all will be of same color and design. And I will declare that men, women and children should try to look beautiful from the inside - in their heart and minds. Not outside.  And I know that all women will grudgingly agree.  The weather is terrible - it feels like 100 degrees.

Royal Rescue

 Well, I got interested (addicted) to this new game called Wood Nuts. The name does not justify the addictive nature beauty of the game - where you are supposed to remove nuts from wooden planks to drop all of them to the ground.  No, I am not going to write about that game. What was bothering me was the ads. Every time I lose my lives I have to see the ads - most often ads of Royal match. That advertisement is quite popular. The premise is like this - there is this king who always gets into trouble. You have to rescue him and save him from snakes, fires, floods etc etc. Because when the king is in trouble, your kingdom is in trouble and so is your faith. So save the king. Well, if you keep rescuing the king again and again and again, when is he going to return the favor? Aren't kings supposed to save you instead of you saving them?  Aren't kings supposed to be brave instead of moaning and wailing about how everyone is trying to kill him and shrieking 'Help me'? Strang

Water, water, nowhere

Being resident of Bangalore - what other title can I give to my post?  If you are not aware, Bangalore is facing is a major water crisis. And there were no summer rains either. And the mercury is soaring. Competing with the price-rise.  Today there was an advice to the residents in the newspaper -  hydrate, drink tender coconut, butter milk, fruit juices. Etc, etc. And also preferably eat home cooked meal.  I wondered about the last piece of advice. Why can't one hydrate in a restaurant or nearest watering hole ;)? Then I remembered.  Just last week I was traveling from one end of the earth to the other end. Sorry - hyperbole! I was just traveling from west end of Bangalore to east end. But it sure felt like I was traveling across the entire earth.  I took plenty of breaks though. At every #$## traffic signal. Which there were plenty. After awhile I decided - I need an actual break - where I can sit on something other than my scooter. And I need to drink something other than fumes