
Showing posts from May, 2018

Declines to boot

I kept away my laptop. Exhausted. See, first my phone died. When I tried to reset it. I might have reset phones 100s of times earlier. But this time it went to boot loop. I thought let me reinstall OS. So I downloaded Samsung program smart switch for that. But after this download, my laptop stopped booting. Entire evening yesterday was spent in fixing it. Today after I disabled unwanted and potentially dangerous programs, again laptop froze. Now all I wanted was a booting laptop. These are not excuses for not starting my next project, nor for proceeding with Sanskrit learning. But one good news is there. I found a site with pdf Sanskrit lessons with playful language but good material. Check it out Agniveer In fact it is inspiring me to write my tech blogs in this better style.

Mukta mukta mukta

Just one little question (slightly political). On behalf on all the Indians (Yes, I have taken Arnab Roy's permission to use this term). Why would we want a particular party mukta bharat? How does that benefit us? Will that our youth get employment? Will that reduce inflation? Or will that make our nation violence free? Will it make the life of women safer in our nation? Just asking.

Word forms

In an earlier post I was trying to compare the two languages I am trying to learn Latin and Sanskrit. Now let us look at present tense form of these two languages. I person   laudo laudamas                       gachchami  gachchavaha gachchamaha II person  laudas laudatis                        gachchasi    gachchathaha  gachchatha III person laudat laudant                         gachchati    gachchataha    gachchanti Observe I person plural, II person singular and III person singular and plural.  - amus               amaha  -as    atis           asi     atha  -at     ant           ati    anti Yes, they do look similar. I got it!!! But nouns are another matter altogether. Sanskrit has noun declensions (8 of them) different for different ending, different genders etc. Latin has only 4 declension types - thank God for that. But so many of declensions overlap, God should help us in remembering them. Now look at I declension word in Latin Singular Plural Nomi

Art therapy - II

Whenever I am feeling blue - which is happening more and more often and lasts for longer and longer duration, when I feel blue, I lie in front of TV, hoping I can watch some show which I have   not already seen 100 times. And invariably I fail in this endeavor, so I won't know what else to do. But after a while I get up with all the energy I can muster and start running to my art therapy. I have already blogged about art therapy in an earlier blog . I bring out my paints, brushes and unlimited supply of surfaces to dabble on ( grocery bags given out by super markets, old salwars etc). See I keep buying paints as the old one dry and different sizes of brushes. If inspiration strikes, I should not suffer because of lack of tools. So I dabble and dabble for an hour. By the end of the hour, sanity prevails. I realize that I can not "art". So I close my box of hatiyar and move on to some other similarly meaningless work work. But did the art do its work - which is

Go and see

Now I am a language learner - not Java or C. I consider myself to have mastered all those. No, I am learning human languages. Oh, I tried it earlier. I tried learning French. Could not pronounce it. Tried learning German. Did not like it. I hope, this time it is different. Because at least for Sanskrit, I have learning buddies. We discuss the topics twice a week. Now let us compare the two languages Sanskrit and Latin. Both are dead. Ok, ok, I don't want to offend people. Both languages are no longer spoken in any country. Both are origins for many other languages. Latin for western languages and Sanskrit for Indian languages. And both are difficult. Quite difficult. (Because there are no IDEs and auto-completes. Right?) Here are the how verbs change in Sanskrit. Let us take गम - गच्छति गच्छति   गच्छतः गच्छन्ति      गच्छसि गच्छथः  गच्छथ गच्छामि गच्छावः गच्छामः Oh my god? What are these? Am I writing some type of shloka praying to please walking God (because of my b

Data structure questions - A new app published

I have published my new app - DS questions. The app contains objective and coding questions on data structures. There are 100+ coding questions and 100+ objective questions. Many of the questions are technical interview questions. I have tried to provide the best possible solutions to the questions, efficient and compact. Most questions also have explanations along with solutions. There are many questions on linked lists as that is a topic interviewers are fond of. And also I have not covered graphs. But I will be adding that topic in future version. If you are computer science student or a job seeker, download the app today.

Ad cost v/s improving product

We have all seen advertisements of some detergent powder on TV and wondered why don't they use up this money to improve their product. Obviously cost of improving the product might not be so much higher than this ad costs. Do we get the similar feelings when we see election campaign, which is so rigorous and serious? May be the amount spent on election campaign can be used for during the 5 years prior to the election. No, no, not even the campaign money. The government money can be used. For the uplifting of the people, not only the family and friends of our rulers. For the solving the irrigation problems of farmers, not just for waiver of loans for them. For creation of jobs for the youth, for improving roads in villages and towns and cities (which work will provide jobs). For providing protection for women. ( I am a middle class house wife. So my vision is very very limited. But I am certain, people will give us many many more problem areas). If these works are done by t

Bhagwan ke ghar

I was testing my newest android app. Then I detected some error. No, there were no bugs. The app was executing correctly and all the functionalities were fine. But unlike "my personal appearance", appearance of my app can not be just functional. There is such unbelievable competition - there are millions of apps which are not only functional, but beautiful, magical. To compete with these my app needs to be good looking too. When you press on a button - say next button, the app should show next screen. But when you touch a button, you should see some change in the appearance of the button. It should look as if it is actually depressed. And many, or rather most apps have this feature. In fact, the default button available in the library also shows this - but in ugly gray color. The buttons in my app were of better color. But they just stood there. No one would understand whether they were really pressed. No change in appearance. So I started making changes to the but


I want to ask some agony aunt a question. I have some talents which are not helping in my current profession. What should I do? To elaborate - I am a housewife. I am supposed to cook and clean. With as much dedication as a rocket scientist. But I neither have passion in these nor inclination. But I have ability to learn new things. I am tech savvy. I absorb and remember bookish knowledge. Which are absolutely meaningless for a home maker. And they just get me a sarcasm. But are their any agony aunt columns in any papers or magazines now a days? When we will be answered for any question, on any topic by google. With so many answers and so many videos. Why do I want to utilize the said talents? Why can't be like any other housewives who just lament their kismet and cook and clean unwillingly? May be the answer lies with my haters and my neighbors. I want to prove them that I am worth some thing. I am not stooopid or worthless or vicious. But some kind of a smart woman. B