Bhagwan ke ghar

I was testing my newest android app. Then I detected some error.

No, there were no bugs. The app was executing correctly and all the functionalities were fine. But unlike "my personal appearance", appearance of my app can not be just functional. There is such unbelievable competition - there are millions of apps which are not only functional, but beautiful, magical. To compete with these my app needs to be good looking too.

When you press on a button - say next button, the app should show next screen. But when you touch a button, you should see some change in the appearance of the button. It should look as if it is actually depressed.

And many, or rather most apps have this feature. In fact, the default button available in the library also shows this - but in ugly gray color.

The buttons in my app were of better color. But they just stood there. No one would understand whether they were really pressed. No change in appearance.

So I started making changes to the button appearance - give different image for pressed state.

Then I realized one more thing. Since Lollipop ( it is a version of Android. It is also called android 5.0. But all android versions have names of sweets) all android phones have material design, in which when a widget is pressed there will be ripple effect. Almost magical.

Now I was in a dilemma. Shall I use ugly gray buttons for their ripple effects or let go of ripple effect. Then kind android folk showed me how to develop my own ripple drawable.

OK. Now things were improving. But I also had some textviews which normally are not clickable. But I had allowed users to click on them and change their colors too. How to add ripple effect to these?

It took me another 2 days to get these textviews have ripple effect.

Now I am ready to release the app. But another problem appeared. These material effects will not appear only android phone with os versions 5 and above. What if my users do have an older phone?

So I started searching for old phones at home. I found only one. But that declined to even boot.

Another option was using an emulator. An emulator is a software which shows copies the appearance and behavior of a phone on laptop.

I tried using emulators in my windows pc. It took a lot of time - a lot, to boot up. So last night I started the emulator and went to bed. By morning - the emulator had still not booted.

But today I successfully downloaded an earlier emulator and ran my app on that successfully.

So this line came to my mind.

Bhagwan ke ghar der hai, andher nahi hai


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