
I want to ask some agony aunt a question.

I have some talents which are not helping in my current profession. What should I do?

To elaborate - I am a housewife. I am supposed to cook and clean. With as much dedication as a rocket scientist. But I neither have passion in these nor inclination.

But I have ability to learn new things. I am tech savvy. I absorb and remember bookish knowledge. Which are absolutely meaningless for a home maker. And they just get me a sarcasm.

But are their any agony aunt columns in any papers or magazines now a days? When we will be answered for any question, on any topic by google. With so many answers and so many videos.

Why do I want to utilize the said talents? Why can't be like any other housewives who just lament their kismet and cook and clean unwillingly?

May be the answer lies with my haters and my neighbors. I want to prove them that I am worth some thing. I am not stooopid or worthless or vicious. But some kind of a smart woman. By showing them my worth, I want to stop them from gossiping about me.

When I write these I realize how ridiculous the idea is.

We all have heard a beautiful saying that as God can not be everywhere, he sent mothers. Satan did not want to be left behind. He sent neighbors.

I am joking, of course.

But tell me, have you ever come across a neighbor who has some thing nice to say about other neighbors? No?

Coming back to my talents - I know programming and I develop apps. Now a friend suggested about an examination in Sanskrit. (This examination is part of series conducted by Sanskrit Bharathi)  And I agreed. Now I am realizing I do remember quite a lot of grammar of this language. And we all recognize most words of Sanskrit, as they are present in our Indian languages in slightly modified forms.

And the language and grammar inspired me to take up another language simultaneously. Latin. Another dead ancient language. I thought the grammars and some words would be similar. And I assumed that my considerable knowledge of English would help me in the learning process.

I was wrong in both these assumptions. Grammar of Sanskrit is closer to grammar of my Kannada. And the derived languages of Latin are French, Spanish, Italian etc - the so called Romance languages. And I am not getting any text books on Latin for school kids. Yes, we get 6th standard CBSE text book for Sanskrit and taking help of that.

No such luck with Latin. Even the dummies book costs above 1000 rupees. And there are no easily available examinations in Latin - to stream-line the study. I hope these drawbacks do not cause slow death of the study.

But there are two books available and some youtube videos are available. Unfortunately duolingo - the famous language learning app does not teach Latin.



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