A Netflix story

This is one of the shows on Netflix from Australia - Secret city. There is a situation in the series like this.

A lady senator - let us call her Jane wants to bring a bill called One Australia - where this agency with the same name will have complete control over all communications - encrypted or not. That way the agency can protect their nation from terrorists and rogue elements inside and outside the nation. This Jane has allies of not so good people - as politician are known to have.

But the bill has opposition because it violates the privacy of common man. All his private texts, mails and phone calls to his wife, colleague, or an ex-lover or any one becomes not-private.

Now what happens is there is a communication attack in the airports. All flights in 3 airports are unable to communicate. In one of the flights is son of defense minister - let us say Max who is completely opposed to One Australia bill. Defense ministry is panicking. They are unable to contact the PM as he is on a tour to another country. They try to use radio signals from a US ship. And then after thirteen minutes of chaos, the communication returns back to normal. And no flight or no human is injured.

To make matters worse, this news is leaked to the media and appears in newspapers. You can only guess who the source of the leak is.

Now   the controversial bill is presented in the parliament, it has to be passed, and it does. Who will dare to oppose the bill when the country is in danger by "unknown" forces?

So Jane is happy. And common man thinks - he needs a strong country - and is sacrificing privacy for the benefit of nation.

Now a days, it is so very difficult to understand whether fiction copies fact or fact copies fiction.


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