
Showing posts from January, 2020


I was watching "Grey's anatomy" on TV. A man is on deathbed because he had a reaction to antibiotic. He isn’t so worried. But the doctor is.  The doctor is very troubled. The man sees this and  asks her what is her problem. The doctor  is initially reluctant, but then opens up. She is a devout christian, very devout. Such a rarity in her community (of doctors of GA). She has done all good things, she has prayed, she has obeyed all his rules - commandments, but still her misery never seems to end - she says and wants to know the reason behind that. His question is "where in the scriptures is it written  that if you are a good christian, your life will be  easy". Apparently it is not written anywhere.   And he also raises the point - if we pray to God only when things are going good, all Jews would have stopped praying after holocaust. Now I have my own questions here. If this God, I don't mean their God or our God. Just God.?If this God, does n

Save us

Let us shoot them. They are traitors. Let us shoot. Goli maro. Gundu haki. You hear these calls on a daily basis. (without any consequence or sedition or whatever) The old women and children are traitors? Those who are protesting peacefully are traitors? Because they dared to object to CAA? What's wrong with us? Are we losing our capacity to discern these words? O God! Whoever you are, wherever you are, only you can save our country! Please do save us. 

Linux app

As I mentioned (repeatedly) in my previous posts, the Linux Quizard app has an option to create a quiz with 25 random questions. And this quiz can be taken offline - any number of times. Download the app Linux Quizard from google play now and take infinite quizzes.

Linux Quizard app

Programmer : I have been using vi editor for the last 3 years. . . . Mostly because I am unable to exit it. Me : He should download my app ;) Jokes aside, if you need to practice your Linux skills, you can download the app Linux Quizard by Hegdeapps from Google play You can view questions on 159 questions on Linux Commands, file handling, directory usage, pipes and redirection etc. You can read 244 MCQ on various topics of Linux. You can also take a quiz with 25 questions any number of times. Offline.  

Linux quizard app published

I published my Linux quizard app today.  It has 240+ objective questions and 150+ descriptive questions. It has also a 25 question quiz which can be taken any number of times. If you are preparing for Linux interview download the app from If you want to see other apps by me, you can visit Hegdeapps developer page in Google play. 

Gut instinct

A lady in Saki’s book “when William came”  says “ I don’t know what causes socialism. Good education and worse digestion I suppose". "In My husband’s generation, everyone has a very good digestion and there is not a single socialist. Now this new generation has no digestion worth speaking of. And in the course of six years, there have been two suicides and three socialists” And I think I have got my eureka moment. When my entire family, my spouse, my parents, my little nephews and nieces all are singing praises of the Savior ( you know whom I mean), why do I keep humming Azadi Azadi Azadi to myself? The  raison d'etre is my bad digestion!  It has made me into a  socialist.  Disclaimer: this post is a work of fiction and I am not any kind of ist. Just a plain old house wife. Struggling to live one day at a time.

To empathize or not

I am reading “When William came” by Saki, an English author. In the book, the narrator - Yeovil is in Poland  on a tour and he has been told in Russian language  that some Tsar has defeated some other Tsar. It took him some time to realize that English king is defeated by German ruler. Yeovil is devastated. He returns back to England and realizes that the life in his home land screams the defeat and hopelessness. There are German boards everywhere along with English. The taxi drivers speak only in German. And he needs to make a declaration to the government that he has returned from where, for what purpose etc. Now normally you identify yourself with the hero in a book and feel very upset when he is facing adversity. But in this situation I was not. How do I feel sad for an Englishman for his country’s defeat, when the English had ruled us for hundreds of years   ( and continue to do so. See My blog is in their language ) and have oppressed so many people all over the world, ens

How to know your mobile number

I am happy that I did get something useful to blog about. My dad asked how do we get our own mobile number. A valid question. And I answered with the solution most of use. Give a missed call to our own phone - from another phone, with another sim. But what if that is not possible? Google told me to dial *1# from our mobile. And voila, it worked, I got the number of the sim with prefix of 91. But that happiness was short lived. The code does not work with jio sim nor with Docomo. It seems myjio app after installation gives you your number. I still feel missed call is an easier solution. Myjio app does show your mobile number. So to know your mobile number, dial *1#  For jio use, myjio app Search around in various options of your phone, you will get your phone number In iPhone, in settings, phone, you do get your number

what’s output

#include<iostream> using namespace std; int  main() {        int a;        a=200;         cout<<++a;          a-=45;          cout<<a—;     } What will be the output of the program? If you like this question, have a look at Simplified c++  app by hegdeapps  


Many of us - older women, always tend to think and express that no one cares for us. We are absolutely wrong. So many People care about us. Our family, our neighbors, municipality, water supply board, government, social media(special mention - facebook), google. The list is quite long. The municipality or the city governing body cares for us so much. It keeps the roads badly maintained- very badly maintained. Intentionally!! So that we walk instead of ride on these roads and burn our calories around our big fat bellies. And the said roads are kept in such a way that even when we walk, we have to walk mindfully- being mindful of each and every step. :) , lest we fall and break a leg :) Our neighbors care for us so much. They know where exactly we are, what we are doing, who is visiting us or whom we are visiting, which shop we are buying grocery, which hospital we visit, for what ailment. They know these things ahead of us. Before you go to the doctor at your appointed time, yo

Not for nation

A journalist who supports the government always and calls the opposition traitors is not doing any good to any one. No matter how many million times he/she says nation, country, people, he is not a well wisher of the said country. He is just trying to save his masters and his own behind. Outlook magazine ran many pieces on this what is wrong with journalism.


I had a momentary flash of an idea. I was not a part of the freedom struggle of India. So now by listening to these children sing azadi - I am given a small opportunity to be a microscopic part of this new freedom movement. Another thought was that these news anchors are surely going to hell - Navika, Arnab, Rahul and all. I am being a hypocrite - what with saying I am an irreligious person and all. But I don't know how else to react these media persons. They are misleading so many Indian citizens. If instead of standing up to the oppressors, you start supporting them, you also become one of them. Yesterday's Times of India had an article by an old student of JNU - he summed up the situation precisely. These people do not hate this university, they are afraid of it. Exactly for the same reasons  the elite did not want the proletariat to read and write. Once their eyes are opened and they start understanding things, they can't be ruled or rather oppressed.