
I was watching "Grey's anatomy" on TV.

A man is on deathbed because he had a reaction to antibiotic. He isn’t so worried. But the doctor is.

 The doctor is very troubled. The man sees this and  asks her what is her problem. The doctor  is initially reluctant, but then opens up. She is a devout christian, very devout. Such a rarity in her community (of doctors of GA). She has done all good things, she has prayed, she has obeyed all his rules - commandments, but still her misery never seems to end - she says and wants to know the reason behind that.

His question is "where in the scriptures is it written  that if you are a good christian, your life will be  easy". Apparently it is not written anywhere. 

 And he also raises the point - if we pray to God only when things are going good, all Jews would have stopped praying after holocaust.

Now I have my own questions here. If this God, I don't mean their God or our God. Just God.?If this God, does not help his devotees - who beg for mercy in their troubles, if he does not punish the wrong doers, if he does nothing, what is the need for him.

Our religious literature describes HIM as "kind-hearted", "deena - rakshaka",  the one who protects his children etc. So we are taught to believe that he helps us "if we are good". And we try. To be good.

But apparently it does not matter. It does not matter whether you are a good human, whether you haven’t harmed a single person all  your life, whether you pray ten times a day. You will just suffer. Period.

These questions show us the futility of religions. Or may be our inadequacy in understanding them.


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