
I had a momentary flash of an idea. I was not a part of the freedom struggle of India. So now by listening to these children sing azadi - I am given a small opportunity to be a microscopic part of this new freedom movement.

Another thought was that these news anchors are surely going to hell - Navika, Arnab, Rahul and all. I am being a hypocrite - what with saying I am an irreligious person and all. But I don't know how else to react these media persons. They are misleading so many Indian citizens. If instead of standing up to the oppressors, you start supporting them, you also become one of them.

Yesterday's Times of India had an article by an old student of JNU - he summed up the situation precisely. These people do not hate this university, they are afraid of it. Exactly for the same reasons  the elite did not want the proletariat to read and write. Once their eyes are opened and they start understanding things, they can't be ruled or rather oppressed.


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