In the time of Corona

Thanks to advice by son, we bought our stock of groceries on second week of March, much before any kind of lock down. And were saved from very long queues and empty shelves.

Now I go to the store in our apartment complex, stand in a queue maintaining a distance. And stand, stand and stand. Finally I am prompted to go inside the store. Only to see there is almost nothing. A few packs of puffed rice, a very few packs of staples.

I dare not venture out on the road. What if cops beat me! Yes, it seems cops are beating people - mostly delivery persons. And people some how are proud of this fact too.

I have most grocery things needed for a fortnight. But what if some thing is needed before 21 days? What if by that time, all the stores will be completely shut?

 I know, this is the exact thought which emptied all the stores. But knowing our people and our rulers, we need to be extra extra careful.

But look at how selfish we are. We are worrying about a what if scenario. When many of our fellow citizens are worrying how to eat their next meal. Vegetable vendors, daily wage laborers, the people who have run away to their villages, those who are stuck because of lack of transportation, (people walk from Delhi to Moradabad )  students who have to vacate hostels /PGs but can't go because there are no buses/trains.

This virus will be leaving us poorer, meaner and nastier. If it leaves. 


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