No Hello world for languages

What is the correct way to write a blog about a language - not  a programming language but a human language?

I can't just start with hello world program. Nor can I get solutions from stack overflow.

I started with translating entire lessons - from Ruchira text book. I cannot just write equivalent English sentences. I should explain how do we arrive at each of the words - number, tense case etc etc. And these descriptions for each word in a sentence.

And I translated 5 sentences before I realized how enormous and may be not so useful either.

Then what is a better way? I can not go about writing grammar lessons - it will be too dry.

It must be something like greenmessage website. This site has a collection of Sanskrit shlokas and their meanings. The important point is, if we click on any word of shloka, there will be popup with its meaning.

Isn't the idea wonderful? But I think it needs a lot of java scripting.

Like this

<span class='Sanskrit'><span class='Tooltip' onclick="showTT('a2gajaanana')"  >&#x0905;&#x0917;&#x091C;&#x093E;&#x0928;&#x0928;</span> <span class='Tooltip' onclick="showTT('pad-maar-kam')"  >&#x092A;&#x0926;&#x094D;&#x092E;&#x093E;&#x0930;&#x094D;&#x0915;&#x0902;</span> <span class='Tooltip' onclick="showTT('gajaananam')"  >&#x0917;&#x091C;&#x093E;&#x0928;&#x0928;&#x0902;</span> <span class='Tooltip' onclick="showTT('a2har-nisham-')"  >&#x0905;&#x0939;&#x0930;&#x094D;&#x0928;&#x093F;&#x0936;&#x092E;&#x094D;</span> &#x0964;<br/><span class='Tooltip' onclick="showTT('a2nekadamtam')"  >&#x0905;&#x0928;&#x0947;&#x0915;&#x0926;&#x0902;&#x0924;&#x0902;</span> <span class='Tooltip' onclick="showTT('bhak-taanaam')"  >&#x092D;&#x0915;&#x094D;&#x0924;&#x093E;&#x0928;&#x093E;&#x0902;</span> <span class='Tooltip' onclick="showTT('e2kadan-tam')"  >&#x090F;&#x0915;&#x0926;&#x0928;&#x094D;&#x0924;&#x0902;</span> <span class='Tooltip' onclick="showTT('u2paas-mahe')"  >&#x0909;&#x092A;&#x093E;&#x0938;&#x094D;&#x092E;&#x0939;&#x0947;</span> &#x0965;<br/></span>Agaja-<span class='sword'>[A]</span>anana Padma-Arkam Gaja-<span class='sword'>[A]</span>ananam Aharnisham |<br/>Aneka-Dam-Tam Bhaktaanaam Eka-Dantam Upaasmahe ||<br/><br/>Meaning:<br/><span class='lnum'>1:</span> As the <span class='kword'>Rays</span> from the <span class='kword'>Lotus-Face</span> of <span class='kword'>Gauri</span> (Devi Parvati) is <span class='kword'>Always</span> on Her Beloved Son <span class='kword'>Gajanana</span> ( Who is having the <span class='kword'>Face</span> of an <span class='kword'>Elephant</span> ),<br/><span class='lnum'>2:</span> Similarly, the Grace of Sri Ganesha is Always on His Devotees; <span class='kword'>Granting</span> their <span class='kword'>Many</span> Prayers; the <span class='kword'>Devotees</span> who with deep devotion <span class='kword'>Worship</span> the <span class='kword'>Ekadanta</span> (  Who is having a <span class='kword'>Single Tusk</span> ).<br/><br/><img src="/images/gods/flowers.jpg" title="flowers" alt="flowers" border="0"/><br/><br/>Note: Click over each Sanskrit word to get the meaning.

May not be very difficult. But very very tedious. Which means I will certainly not do such a work. Instead I will wait for dulingo to come up with its Sanskrit course.


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