Maths games for school children

 If sum of two numbers is 18 and difference is 2, then the numbers are ---- and -----

This type of questions are plenty. And for all grades. There are questions on various topics on arithmetic, algebra, geometry. So if you have school going child and want to take her out of your hair for few minutes, but want her to learn something, these are the types of sites you should use. 

And if your child is a basketball fan, here is some algebra and basketball for him  

So the idea is, a little bit of google will show you the right game and right website for you. 

Anyway, children want to use internet. So why not make it useful for them?  

Here is a list of sites which I found worth looking into

Today I came across another good site which generates Maths worksheets. Good right? print it out and give it to our children. 


Maths Bot 

Here is a sample page generated by this bot

 And if your child is studying in stateboard in Karnataka, you can download the entire books in pdf forms from this site


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