No end

 When I read the current state of affairs  my blood starts to boil. I want to scream. But in the next moment I am completely terrified. What is happening to us, our country? How and why did we end up here? Is there no solution at all? No respite from virus and more importantly cruelty of the rulers and devotion of their supporters? How did these people succeed in brainwashing our country? 

And more importantly are we ever going to overcome coronavirus? Will there be a third wave, followed by fourth wave and so on, each one deadlier than the previous?  Do we want to overcome the pandemic at all? Or we just keep blaming one another until all of us are dead? Are we all subconsciously suicidal ? 

I remember  a science fiction  ‘iq 83’ by Arthur Herzog where all the men and women start losing their intelligence because of some DNA experiments. The protagonist is realising this but is completely helpless. Is that actually happening - by the courtesy of social media? 

Yadavi kalaha : Once Sage Durvasa visited Dwaraka and some boys wanted to poke fun at him. So they dressed a boy as a pregnant girl with pestle in her saree and ask the sage "Will she bear a son or a daughter?". The omniscient sage is furious and curses them "He will give birth to disaster and your entire clan will be destroyed". The boys are terrified. They take the pestle, ground it into pieces and throw the pieces in the ocean. Apparently from the pieces long tall grass grows. One evening all the Yadavas are playing in the beach, in an inebriated condition. They start hitting each other with that grass and alas kill each other. 

So our yadavi kalaha - will that be an end to our "great" nation?


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