
 Ha, talk of over confidence. I have started blogging about Viveka chudamani.

Well, you can also call it an oversight. When I started the project, I didn't realize that book has 580 shlokas in all. I thought, these shlokas are in Sanskrit, and of course I can borrow them from net. No need to type too. Translations - you get plenty in net.

So I thought. 

Wrong. Formatting the text was least of my problems. Translations - there are few sites where I obtained verse by verse translations - but all of them identical. Come on, where is the diversity? And the help I need in writing my kannada translation? 

Any ways, this is obviously better than searching Netflix for new shows and realizing there aren't any worthwhile shows. And suits me too. A 60 year old, writing about philosophy is right. But 60 year old watching silly standup comedies and guffawing ! So wrong! If that person is female.

Any way, let me take a breather from that "self realization" and be me for some time. 

Did I tell you I started reading Bhagavata purana? Why? No, not to be condescending about it. When I can read or try to read some philosophy by Western philosopher, why not Indian holy book? And puranas are not like upanishat - they are easier to fathom. (I can't digest some of the classiest castiest sexist remarks in those though. But of course, that was altogether a different time). And some where it says a week of reading that book will give me mukti. 

Mukti from ? My kitchen :)? My Life? From the cycle of death and rebirth? Or direct svarga prapti? 

No, the book does not answer my question. 

Let us wait and watch.


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