One dimension - one universe, itself is extremely enigmatic enough. And there are fictions and television series about multiverse - or is it multiverses - many universes existing in parallel. And this particular series has these universes in different time frames - contemporary, second world war period, 19th century and then future in 2050. Time travel!!

And one thing common in all these time frames is a dead body - naked as the time it was born, with a head wound and bleeding right eye. But no bullet inside and no exit wound either. 

Talk about enigmas. Eh? Who is this person - was this person? And why does he need to die again and again and again? Who kills him mysteriously, without anyone witnessing the murder? 

As I mentioned earlier, I don't like sci-fi, nor the afterlife and before-life b**t. But this series "Bodies" in Netflix is watchable with all these factors included.

It depicts how do police investigate the murder of a John Doe in different time periods. Or rather how do cover up operations, blame-games and silencing of truth-seekers work. 

And the phrase which keeps coming up again and again is "Know that you are loved". Aha, thank you!


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