
 So I watched a Hindi film yesterday. Tu jhuthi Mai makkar. Don’t roll your eyes yet. I knew the name sounds lame, I knew the story would be lamer. But I needed some light watch. And the leading couple were pleasing to the eyes - two dynastic kids - son of Rishi Kapoor and daughter of Anil Kapoor. 

But the story line is so un-common - the two Kapoors have a holiday fling in Spain. And Shradha does not believe in holiday romances. But Ranbir pesters and pesters Shraddha enough to change this fling into a relationship. Now comes the funny part, when he introduces her to his family - his entire family dotes and pampers her. Do you believe that? Are rich people so different from us ? 

In each of their dates, the family is an integral part. Really suffocating for the girl. And really silly on the part of the mother, grand parents and sister, if you ask me. It is simple common sense. 

Obviously she is upset and wants to break off the relationship and gets a professional help for this. It appears there are such agencies too. 

Guess whom she hires? Her own fiancé. Of course neither of them realise this. 

Neither the boy, nor the girl recognise each other’s voice. Which is too silly. How would you not recognise the voice of your fiancé?

This way the story continues. Well, it is the story of super rich and their pretty lives. In good old days, people would devour the love stories of princes and princesses. Now us plebeians would love such stories. 

But for old souls like us, the movie is only watchable because of the actors. 


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