Sky jasmine - maramalli

 The evolution is so complicated. How did the plant kingdom evolve into such variety of species each uniquely beautiful? And I don't know about animal kingdom as I don't observe them, so know very little about them. 

 There is a tree - my sister told me  it is called "mugila mallige" - which translates to sky jasmine. Tall tree with aromatic jasmine like flowers hanging in the sky. The tree is also called Indian cork tree and is grown around Bangalore as ornamental tree. 

And talking of jasmines - how many types are these? In how many shapes, with all different fragrances. So tiny a flower, so fleeting and ephemeral, yet so powerful. 

And look at us- humans - we live for a thousand years - like gardabha - donkeys. bhumige bhara - to increase the weight of this earth. 

If you are interested, you can read this article about the tree in BangaloreMirror.


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