Not funny

 Do you know what has happened? We have stopped being funny, as we can only joke about ourselves which is boring, or about our families which may prove to be dangerous ;).

I was watching a stand up comedian whom I once admired - he kept on talking about himself, his wife and his kid. It was boring or cringy or both. I remembered his previous shows where he talked about important things like politics. Earlier it was funny, succint and thought provoking. 

Now politicians all over the world have done the most dangerous thing possible. They have converted people to be their followers. We have to fear these fans rather than the government, when we write anything political. These people equate the government and ministers to their Gods. So for them, one word against them is a blasphemy. And they start their ruthless, cruel attack.

This has gagged writers, comedians and bloggers (we write too, you know. And we do have opinions. Our opinions matter - so we would like to think) all over the world. Unofficially of course. So being helpless we start making jokes about ourselves - and cease to be funny. 

If we could write political blogs/jokes/satire, there is so much material all around. So colorful too. It is really frustrating not able to write them.


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