Weak enemy

 One method of winning is to make the opponent weak - mentally, physically and socially. This seems to be a successful tool in the hand of ruling parties in many countries. Funnily it is employed more by right leaning parties. Does that mean, the left leaning parties or center-left parties are morally superior and have higher values? May be, may be not. I am of course prejudiced against right parties. 

Watched a serial - zero day. You all know about zero day vulnerability. A software has a serious vulnerability which is found out by hacker before the developer. So in this Netflix series, the zero day bug has been used to control all the digital networks of the country and stop all network activities for few minutes. Results in multiple accidents and few casualties. And the government sets up a 'zero day commission'. 

The commission is led by a former president of the country- George Mullen. An elderly man with very high standards but had a personal tragedy. But the day he joins the commission - against the advice of his daughter who is a senator from other party, strange things happen. He hears a song - who killed bambi. He sees people who are not there - dead people. 

Was he a target of project Proteus - a tool used to psychologically hurt a person? Or was it the memories of his dead son? Was Russia behind the attack? Will there be another attack? If so, how to handle it? Should he quit because he is not mentally fit as suspected by his wife? 

Let us come to reality. I am reading articles about how democratic party in US is weak now and toothless. The same concern about our own Congress was written innumerable times and now those concerned have given up.( On the country?)


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