Install vairagya

I like any other middle class Indian woman stop myself even in my blogs thinking "what would people say". But it has been proven by statistics that people don't say anything as they don't know and don't care about the existence of this blog. So I should be writing whatever the hell I want to say without much hesitation.

See my mother used to say that there are 4 types of vyragyas - renunciations (detachments) in this world. Smashana vairagya (in the cemetery), abhava vairagya(you don't have anything), prasava vairagya (you are having the most painful moment of birhting) and fourth one I don't remember. Let me add a fifth one. This one is called install vairagya. When you have to install the OS all over again, then update the packages and remove the remmima and assorted packages, then install the few IDEs you dare to use. Oh, this pain is worse than any other pain in this side of the universe.

So every time I install my OS I take a furious, severe oath " I daughter of Ramachandra and Bhagirathi, wife of Ratnakar take an oath. Let heaven and earth be my witness. I will never, never ever modify my operating system in any way. Even if I can not work on any software, even if I can not use any IDE other than gedit, even if I have to just use the laptop as just a browser. I will not change the OS there by harm my laptop. So, please help me God. 

You heard me - no more tinkering. Hence forth only browser and vim( I do know how to quit vim - it is colon q exclamation), nothing else.


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