
Popular theme to talk nowadays is how great our country is, how wonderful our religion is, how strong our nation is etc. And I for one never believe in popular themes. But I relish the festivals of our religion nonetheless. One festival particularly - Ganesha festival. Ah, the Colors, the decorations, the wonderful array of sweets which the women prepare with much devotion and back breaking work.Two eyes aren’t enough to watch these festivities - as we say in Kannada. 

According to history Ganesh celebrations in large scale were initiated by Balgangadhar Tilak around 1893 with the intention of unifying people of various strata of life. (Unifying is not a popular theme, I know) Large public Ganesha celebrations accompanied by discourses, music, dance drama etc. started during those times. 

And the tradition has continued all these years. And it does prove an opportunity for people to forget the hopelessness and wretchedness drama of their lives and spend few days in devotional bliss. Or something like that. 

And this flower represents Gowri - the mother of Ganesha whose festival is one day prior to Ganesh Chaturthi. This wild flower gowri flower - botanical name is gloriousa superba- blooms only during this season. 


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