Where is God

This post was written more than a decade ago. But I haven’t still found him. :)

 Where is GOD?

April 26, 2009

I was driving on the same old road with the same old people the other day. Suddenly I saw a quote on a vehicle "God is just behind you". 

Hey, what did I do this time? Just two days ago, I paid 100 bucks for crossing a red signal. But so far on the road no signals were seen. Did they come to know that I still haven't done my scooty's emission test? Then a sober voice said, it is not police, not traffic police. Only god. 

Godaaa, that's okay. No need to worry. He will forgive me for any of my sins. Even if I do not have the tradition of asking for mercy on one day after committing all kinds of not so good things throughout the week. My god knows that, I am not responsible for any of my actions but my karma is.

Anyway I was relieved and did not turn back. But I did look in the rear view mirror. No I could see no one who remotely looked like thevomnipotent GOD. 

Do I know who was god? Can I recognise him? I knew better than to expect him to come with all crown and beads and silk as shown in a TV serial. But still I was almost sure I did not see him. 

Then where he is I ask. Well, people say he is everywhere. Is he a plastic bag, to be everywhere? (Well, if god is everything, he can be a plastic bag too? ) Ok, ok, he is everywhere but invisible. Oxygen is invisible but kids learn how to do an experiment to prove oxygen is present. Similarly can we do an experiment to prove he is everywhere but invisible?  

OK, ok, let us start with the opposite assumption and prove this assumption is wrong. My dear maths teacher, you are with God. You used to teach us this method. But sadly I have forgotten what’s this method is called.  

So let us assume that God is not there. If he is not there, there will be no one who will save the good people and punish the bad people. Bad people will be everywhere and good innocent people will be suffering. 

We see politicians everywhere. We pay for their Drama called as election. After the election, they shamelessly form an alliance with a party they condemned colourfully just before elections. 

So you tell me, aren't the bad people flourishing? Are not the good people like me (relatively good when compared to politicians) suffering? So our assumption has been proved. So we have proved that - GOD is not there. 

Sad, but true....


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