
Larry in Razor's edge is on a quest - he is trying to find meaning to life. Don't we all want to know it? Though we don't leave everything behind and start a journey.

He sees his friend being killed in the war. He is horrified by the evil behind this. Now he wants  to solve the puzzle of life and its purpose. 

He starts by reading voraciously. Then he seeks meaning in a Christian missionary. Not satisfied, he continues his search. Meanwhile he works in a farm. and as a deck hand in a ship. As manual labor clears his mind. 

Then, surprise, surprise-  he visits India. When he visits Benares, he is enthralled by the devotion of hundred of people praying in the middle of the river. But I wonder whether the motive behind these ganga snani - s is bhakti or bhaya (devotion or fear).

One of his Indian friends directs him to an Ashram in Travancore by a yogi Ganesh.

Larry meets Ganesh and he immensely likes the yogi and his ashram. He stays in the Ashram, listening to the talks of this yogi. He witnesses Ganesh going to one of his samadhi. And I thought they got their samadhi by inhaling the holy apeem.

 In one of his visits to a bungalow on  a lake, as he is observing the sun rise from the lake, Larry has his "enlightment".  whatever it is.  

Then he comes back to Europe, a changed man. He is changed because, he cures his friend Gray's frequent head aches by talking to him. Gray is no longer suffering and is cheerful after that. 

He also tries to marry their childhood friend from Chicago Sofie, who is now isn very bad shape and company. Unsuccessfully. 

Having found his meaning of life, he plans to go back to America. He plans to get rid of his inheritance and work for his living as a mechanic. 

Now I am unclear about what answer did he find out, what prompted him to realize that he has found his answer. 

 So how and why are westerners influenced by our religion? And why some of us are not? And do these people really read and understand the intricacies of Advaita philosophy?

And what on the earth is spirituality? What are you trying to do? To what end result?

May be I am not yet ready to get answers to these questions. May be I will never be.

And I unlike Larry is not impressed by Yogis and Sadhus we find plenty in our land. I know many of them who run all kinds of sleazy activities. I know some of them who just exploit the vulnerabilities of their devotees. There may be good saints too. But I don't know about them.

On the other hand, I know normal people living saintly lives - spending all their lives for the welfare of others. 

As far as our religion is concerned, I know very little about it. I have read bits and pieces of Bhagavadgita. I know it is very good. But I have some reservations about its premises. But may be in that time, thousands of years ago, it was OK to advise some one to fight in a war and fight against people who are close to his heart.  I am not sure. 

In the end, everyone gets what they wanted. Isabel gets her luxurious life and a grand home with cute kids and rich husband. Elliot gets fame and name. Larry gets his nomadic existence. And Sofie gets her death.

May be some one is making a note of all things we desire and grant those things, belatedly of course.




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