Three men and a maid by Wodehouse

 So good news, I have completed 10 books this year.

Better news I have been reading Wodehouse and chuckling out loud. The book is called Three men and a maid. And there are no Wooster and Jeeves. No butlers so far. 

But that does not mean there is no satire and tongue in the cheek humor. 

OK, this was from another book - "The clicking of Cuthbert". A Russian is telling a story ".... Then a person tried to assassinate Lenin. (the book belongs to Lenin Era). You see attempting to kill Lenin is our national sport". 

And as I can't live on books alone, I tried watching "Rebellion" on Netflix. That is the series about Easter Rebellion of Ireland in 1916. Apparently there were around 250 civilian deaths and 16 executions of rebels of British government. 

Let me digress a bit here. There are two things we have learnt from the great British a) divide and rule b) imprison the truth tellers.

Why this post? I told myself  not to blog when I am angry and agitated because I will certainly repent and remove the post next morning. So I did a better thing, I started writing about books. 

Eustace is the heir of a beautiful home in England and his mother is kind of care taker as long as he is unmarried. The moment he marries, the house will belong to him. So the mother dear has determined that that day will never come.

But unfortunately, Eustace has fallen in love with Wilhemina and has decided to marry her without telling any one this same morning at 11 am. Another beau of Wilhemina comes and tells mother this news. 

She sneaks into the room of sleeping Eustace and takes out all his trousers and sends them for ironing. All of them. 

Wilhemina breaks the engagement.

Now Eustace has to go back to England to take care of his house. Remember we are in good old days, no air-planes. So he has to travel by ship. Wilhemina is in the same ship.

Now Wilhemina's father is supposed to give her some money for the travel through a clerk. The said clerk is late and the ship is already leaving, so he does the best thing he can. He wraps up the money in a nice hand kerchief and throws it towards her, to the ship. His age has slightly tapered his aim and the kerchief falls 6 feet short of the ship into the water. And all the notes are floating in the water making a nice spectacle for the people.

A sailor watching this feels his luck has arrived, and jumps into water. People in the ship are watching this nice entertainment. There comes Sam, cousin of Eustace. He is bending on the railing and wondering why this man is in the water fully dressed. Unfortunately somebody gives Sam a shove unintentionally of course, and he falls right into water. Right next to the sailor.

Now in water, he wants to make best out of bad situations, and wants to save the sailor from water. Sailor doesn't want to be saved. He feels Sam is the competitor who wants to pick up all the scattered notes himself. There is a scuffle. Poor, Sam feels that this man is struggling unknowingly and gets even more determined to save him..

Long story short, some other sailor had to pick up Sam using a hook and brings him on to his boat. Sam pays 50 bucks to this sailor and get dropped to the ship.

If you love Wodehouse, you will certainly love this book.

And now I think, this would make a very funny movie, some thing akin to Charlie Chaplin films.


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