
 I was listening to some podcast one morning Boost, I think the name was. It is some kind of motivational podcast where the podcaster speaks really fast but the content is not bad. So I think he was saying we need to have some schedule without which we can't achieve anything.

Today I decided I will try it out. I did not write my schedule for one day in calendar app in any of my gadgets. Remember paranoia. I wrote it in a text file using vi editor - I certainly favor that editor to gedit. 

And now at 9:30 in the evening, I can say that I have completed just one of the deeds written in that schedule. But I feel more at peace - much more at peace. 

Is it because I have something to avoid or I have a tiny little hope that this may actually lead to some kind of progress in whatever the hell I am doing? I am not certain. 

But I am happy that I can look forward to avoiding something or reluctantly doing something most of the time. Because you see, Netflix and Amazon prime are almost over. And youtube is highly irritating. 

And I am doing something which I have not written in my to do list - writing this post so that it may guide me some time in the future and reading few pages of the long pending Razor's edge. 

By the way, the book is interesting and readable because there is actual story unlike so many other books I tried to read but failed.


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