Time machine

 Let us acquire a time machine. Is it available in the amazon yet? Let us acquire it and change the following things.

  1. Let us go back to the time of our independence and tell British and Nehru that we do not want partition of our country. Independence dena hai to do, nahi to bhad me jao. We do not want the creation of Pakistan.
  2. Let us come forward a few days and make Patel as prime minister. Because you know - that Nehru is womanizing, muslim appeasing, dynastic megalomaniac!
  3. Next let us go back few hundred years and stop the Mughals from attacking us. By not being too good. By not sticking to yudhadharma and all those things. You say that we needed a united front against attacking Mughals. No, that's all crap.
  4. Next let us come back to Independence day and declare our nation as a nation of hindus. If some one wants to follow other religions, they have to follow our rules and listen to us. Listen to us obediently. 
  5. Let us get rid of science and technology department in our ministry and and replace it with department of  Vedic sciences. What do these so called scientists in Western world know? We knew everything 5000 years ago.
  6. Do we really need schools - what we instead of Shakhas. Which will teach the children - our future, how to obey the rules and how to chant verses from our ancient languages. 

Any more suggestions? 


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