
Showing posts from June, 2023
So many changes occurred in the last month. Political changes.  I am happy as the government is implementing the poll promises. But at what cost? How many hundreds of crores. Does the forty percent cover for all these freebies?  Free bus travel for all women is good concept. But is it really needed? Do our middle class women need that kind of financial support? Reserve the scheme to needy women - may be women who have BPL cards.  But that may increase the resentment of middle class/upper classes towards poor. Already there is lot of anger towards distribution of rice to the poor. As I have many rural folk say, as they get free rice, they do not want to work in our fields. Understandable, but is it just? And then the free electricity to all consumers. Looking at the rain pattern this year or lack of it so far, will we have electricity to give? And already the enraged industries are planning a strike. The government should placate the rich too, shouldn't it? And my personal concern i


 Today I  a realised that my computer can take   dictation. That was a happy surprise for me. Then again, the flow is not an smooth.  Maybe I should get used to it.  Also started working on my C++ Blog. Only to realise that I have a better version somewhere else. This is what happens when you are not persevering. You write a bit here, a piece there. None perfect, none complete. Restart instead of repair.  Things are so scattered that I had to create my own git page to showcase (ha!) my creations.   That's OK. The wix site is really good, according to me. But let me tell you, blogger, wordpress are all cake walk when compared to editing in wix. It is hell. But who are we to complain - we want things to be free and we pay the price.  Let me remind you, if you want a perfect solution for your C++ learning, my Simplified C++ app is the best. My best. And we love it because it's free - not even shareware.  Yes, compose and testaments. One is coding and the other is wailing. Of cou
 There are things one wants to say. But then forgets it, loses it in the stack of all garbage one consumes - orally and visually. One should consume less.  But non-stop watching of youtube shorts has some advantages. Some titbits of astrophysics, some anodyne jokes and some hacks on how to take a good selfie. May be if I continue long enough, I may get better and more useful information. Garbage, youtube like other social media is garbage. But may not be as vicious.  The only time I read is when eating my meals - because I want to cancel the noise of TV spewing venom. Also because, if I can not play games with one hand.  So I am continuing Testaments by Margaret Atwood in these brief intervals. As there was no way of saving the book mark, I am re-reading many chapters. So the process may go on for a very very long time or may take upto an year. Is it a year or an year? At some point of time I have to, I have to restart compose of android studio period. Way I will feel that I am doing s

In support of snacking

My view is that the much maligned snacking has some real benefits too.  a. It does not harm any one else. Either physically or emotionally. Unlike its substitutes like gossiping, poking fun of others or abusing others. I know, I know, these are very bad for those at the receiving end. b. It stops your blues. At least for some time. And you do feel some what happy. May be 1%, but still happy.  c. If you snack in enough quantity, it will usher your arch nemesis, but still much needed friend - sleep. You do get few hours of precious sleep. Which results in few hours of non-wretchedness. What are its harmful effects, you ask? No, I am not doing that. Every Tom, Dick and Harry and your mother will tell you the ill-effects of stress eating. Let me not join them in admonishing you. On serious notes, today after the afore mentioned snacking and resultant napping, I was still not OK. And then I did one wise thing. I installed candy crush and started playing it. I also installed few more brain g

I can't feel at home in this world anymore

 Aha, what a revelation! But the point to ponder is - If I can't feel at home in this world, which other world do I feel at home?  ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಸಲ್ಲದವರು ಎಲ್ಲಿಯೂ ಸಲ್ಲರಯ್ಯ? I watched a  film with this very lengthy title. And liked the title song - which is a supposedly a Christian song.  Talking of religious songs, the religious people of every  shade and hue are lucky. For they believe that they have some where else  to go to.  Some where else, where there is no injustice, no cruelty and no pain. They believe and that's why they have hope.  But that luxury isn't available for non-believers.  In the film, the father of a robber - or rather a kid who has lost his way, asks the victim "Do you want the payout? How much?" for compensating the robbery his son has committed. The lady replies "No, I don't want money. I just want people to be not such a@$#**s".  To this, he remarks "People will do whatever they want to do. If you let them. " Such an apt ob