I can't feel at home in this world anymore

 Aha, what a revelation! But the point to ponder is - If I can't feel at home in this world, which other world do I feel at home? 

ಇಲ್ಲಿ ಸಲ್ಲದವರು ಎಲ್ಲಿಯೂ ಸಲ್ಲರಯ್ಯ?

I watched a  film with this very lengthy title. And liked the title song - which is a supposedly a Christian song. 

Talking of religious songs, the religious people of every  shade and hue are lucky. For they believe that they have some where else  to go to.  Some where else, where there is no injustice, no cruelty and no pain. They believe and that's why they have hope. 

But that luxury isn't available for non-believers. 

In the film, the father of a robber - or rather a kid who has lost his way, asks the victim "Do you want the payout? How much?" for compensating the robbery his son has committed. The lady replies "No, I don't want money. I just want people to be not such a@$#**s". 

To this, he remarks "People will do whatever they want to do. If you let them. " Such an apt observation. Such a wonderful truth.  And as old as mankind. But always true, nonetheless. 

People will do whatever they please, if you let them.

Then it is your fault for letting them. Huh. 

Yet another thought has been bothering me of late. Blog worthy thought!

Power corrupts. It corrupts not only the person who holds the power, but also the people who surround him/her. And with what force!

Some are full of adulation and awe by the power and will bend over backwards to accommodate. Some are scared and meekly succumb to the power. Very few have the audacity and the capacity to stand up to the power. And hence face all kinds of terrible consequences.

So if you don't have the power and are indebted to the person in power, in whatever way, know this very bitter truth and accept it. And silently weep in a corner.


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