
 How many years does it take to change an entire nation of more than a billion people? Ten years - it appears.

We have become completely divided - we are either left or we are right. We are either communal or we are secular. We have empathy or we are just cruel bigots.

And we believe everything some one says or we disbelieve everything that same person says. 

How did this happen?

When there is no credibility left in media, we turn to internet and social media. And this social media like a mother of a spoiled child says "my little baby loves hating left/right/partyA/partyB. Let me give it more and more reason to do so" and continuously feeds us hundreds of information(?) supporting our belief. Per day. So we are happy - see I always doubted them to be bad - I didn't realize the situation is this terrible. 

Situation? Or concoction? We received all those stories  facts because the algorithm knows that feeding us these half-truths, outright lies is the only way we keep scrolling and using this social media - whether it is youtube, twitter, instagram or facebook. 

So we got what we would like to believe - how wonderful. 

Reading/watching all these stories about the monsters (the people we are prejudiced against), we decide these monsters must be finished - they are a danger to the society. And we want our families, our friends to know the truth about the 'monsters'.  And we continuously share the 'information' about monsters. Thus creating more haters.

Thus we become cruel beasts with no empathy and no humanity, controlled by our anger and hatred towards the 'monsters'.


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