
Showing posts from March, 2018


I am an explorer. I wanted so much to say that I am a bumbling idiot. But the truth is if we say something self deprecating people will happily agree and guffaw. So instead if we say something positive about ourselves, people disagree. But we have atleast tried. So I am explorer. I wanted to go from metro station in MG road to Safina plaza near the entrance of commercial street. I looked at google maps and the path looked simple enough. Take a turn and go to cubbon road take another turn and walk straight. You already see the problem right. Where do I take a turn and which turn? I have faith in namma oorina helpful citizens and plunged into the exploration. I asked the first good samaritan. He asked me walk for a while and then take a left turn. See I was in Brigade road at that time. So may be he meant walk straight from Brigade road and then take a left turn. What I instead did was I walked for a long time in MG road and then tried taking a left turn. First it looked like th

Farmers' march

This is a video of around 30,000 farmers marching from Nashik in Maharashtra to Mumbai on March 10th. They reached Mumbai around midnight, and hence did not cause any traffic problems for citizens. (may be other protesters can take a hint from this).  They were protesting against their hardships and government's inability to implement loan waivers. Chief minister of Maharasthra met with them. So it is old news. Why am writing the post now after almost 15 days? Because we did not see it in TV news channels, right? Nobody, no TV channel showed this again and again in a loop. No panelists argued and shouted about these "people" of our nation and their problems. No anchor thought this topic was worthy to be analyzed and explained to other "people" of India. It was a no-news.  They were busy discussing about same stories - nimo, raga, pakistan, and congress. Of course these are the topics nation wants to know. Or these are the stories the anchors want the

enna kivudana maadayya

Do you know that vachana in Kannada "enna kivudana maadayya tande". - O Lord, please make me deaf! I was praying thus yesterday. Why? Because I could not bear the high decibel arguments of Arnab's channel. It was about some ministers participating in pak function. Arnab told in a very "strict" voice. We brought out the case of Mani Shankar Aiyyar's dinner party and we will do the same if your party people attend pakistani functions. They are the people who are killing our soldiers and so on. And of course he will have to shout with all his strength ( I am sure he will never be constipated) because he speaks for the nation. Of a billion people. If one person's voice is x decibels, then Arnab should speak with a loudness of x X 1 billion. Now you know. And the people he brings to the show will have out shout him in order to be heard, of course. And they have to talk his language - so if Mr Patra tells a lady from opposition party that she is a &

I love the world

What tells you that you are watching too much TV? You know the beginning, the middle and the end of all the shows you are watching beforehand. That happened years ago. You are so inactive that, when you get up, you drag your feet like a old, arthritic person. That phase is also over. You start hating even commercials. That is a new development. There was this ad where people sitting next to each other ask "why do you love the world". Supposedly they are sitting in Luftansa flights. I don't think so. I don't think even the globe trotters, people who spend lot of time traveling and "vacationing" love the world. They may love their lives - that also I am not certain. See, there are two kinds of people in this world. The "P" people and "S" people. You will have to guess what do these letters stand for. The P people will not love the world unless there is something in it for them. What will be there in loving? Nothing. So th

TV shows I dislike

I watch many serials - any thing which comes. I don't even mind watching even detective stories multiple times. Which is silly - what fun is a detective story when you know who dunnit already.    But there are some shows which even I decline to watch. "Two and a half men" is one such soap. It is a story about Charlie Sheen - a compulsive womanizer and his brother - who lives with his brother. In spite of daily sarcastic comments from him. Unlike Charlie,  this brother marries again and again, in order to pay alimonies to his wives. Well, at least, it appears so. And half is - Charlie's nephew who is not very smart. There is not a single person with any positive qualities in the serial. Now you can say if I wanted some thing like Ramayan, I should watch Sony TV and its numerous serials about numerous Gods. No, no. A person, any person has both bad qualities and good qualities (some times hidden deep inside, very very deep). If I have to see every person being Ra

Don't say why me

I face problems on a daily basis. Who doesn't? But mine are more important. To me. I wanted to add an image to my website - a simple image with two boxes with text and an arrow. No, I don't have MsPaint. My system is Ubuntu. And my trusty Gimp is not getting installed. When I try to install, it tells me 100s of other unknown packages to be installed. So I had to login with another version of Ubuntu, install GIMP there, draw the image, then install firefox and mail it to myself. Yes, I know, first world problems. But there are other problems as well. I kept asking myself why me , again and again and again. I did not get an answer. Then I started asking the world - why me. I have - had around 1000 blog posts in Perpetually perplexed  out of which may be around 100 are "why me" posts. I still did not get an answer. Then I remember this person. Stephen Hawking. No, I am not writing a eulogy because of his death yesterday. He had a motor neuron disease in hi

World economy

World economy explained in pinterest. Really good! :)

ಇಂದಿನ ಸರ್ವಜ್ಞ

 ಕೆಲವಂ ಕೋರ್ಸೆರಾದಿಂದ ಕಲಿತು ಕೆಲವಂ ಗೂಗಲಮ್ ಕೇಳುತಂ ಕೆಲವಂ ಡಿಬಗ್ ಮಾಡಿ ಅರಿತು ಕೆಲವಂ ಯೂಟ್ಯೂಬನಂ ನೋಡುತಂ ಕೆಲವಂ ಸ್ಟಾಕ್ ಓವರ್ ಫ್ಲೋದಿಂದ ತಿಳಿದು ಕೆಲವಂ ಕೊರಾದಿಂದ ಒದುತಮ್ ಸರ್ವಜ್ಞನಪ್ಪಂ ನರಂ ಪಲವಂ ಪಳ್ಳ  ಸಮುದ್ರವೈ ಹರಹರಾ ಶ್ರೀ ಚೆನ್ನಸೋಮೇಶ್ವರಾ

You have the right to remain silent

Why do we even bother to celebrate women's day?  Most often the above mentioned one- silence is the only right we have. Because we all know, "any thing we say or do may be and will be used against us"

Humor on road

Have been thinking of posting this for a few days. The boards on shops in Bangalore are some times hilarious. Provided you still have patience to get amused in the terrible traffic. There is a liquor shop in Hosakerehalli which has a name Scotch Yard. OK, what is funny in that? Nothing, except for the fact that in Kannada the board says "skoth haad"(ಸ್ಕಾಚ್ ಹಾದ್ ). Well, did the painter was the under the influence of scotch or its desi version  while painting the board? Or is it just a typo? In the same area, there is a board in front of a tiny eatery  which says "bhanuvara illi kaalu soupu siguttade". "Sunday you get leg soup here". The question is whose leg - yaara kaalu? Whoever asks such silly questions? Google later told me that goat leg soup is a delicacy in Mandya area which I was not aware of. So may be that is the case. You can visit the eatery without fear if you fancy a kaalu supu. Thank God. And I used to observe a board in BSK comple

Atom and composer

I have been doing some copy editing work. No, no, I did not get these online copy editing works. I am copying my own blogs to other places. Then I realized, it is going very slow and an html editor may help. Finding a right HTML editor is tough. And now, I have to find one for ubuntu. People in the internet suggested an editor called Atom - a hackable text editor. OK, I sudoed, installed and typed "atom". I pasted the html from my page. Where is its composed text? I could only see html tags and there were no options to see the formatted text. Not even a preview option. Youtube will have solutions for almost everything now, I decided. And I was right. There was a video on how to use Atom editor. The narrator - is that what you call the speaker in videos? The narrator told me how to type html tag followed by slash html, then head tag, body tag, title tag. Wow, very impressive, if I were to type these tags, I would have used gedit. Or may be even vim. I needed a WYSWYG