Atom and composer

I have been doing some copy editing work. No, no, I did not get these online copy editing works. I am copying my own blogs to other places.

Then I realized, it is going very slow and an html editor may help. Finding a right HTML editor is tough. And now, I have to find one for ubuntu. People in the internet suggested an editor called Atom - a hackable text editor.

OK, I sudoed, installed and typed "atom". I pasted the html from my page. Where is its composed text? I could only see html tags and there were no options to see the formatted text. Not even a preview option.

Youtube will have solutions for almost everything now, I decided. And I was right. There was a video on how to use Atom editor. The narrator - is that what you call the speaker in videos? The narrator told me how to type html tag followed by slash html, then head tag, body tag, title tag. Wow, very impressive, if I were to type these tags, I would have used gedit. Or may be even vim.

I needed a WYSWYG (what you see is what you get) editor. Just like what I am doing in this blog. I change the color of the text, the editor writes code for it. I change font, style, editor takes care of all the html tags.

So, dear google, please know that if a person or personi searches for html editor, he/she is searching for WYSWYG editor - not a dumb text editor.

I think I may have to search for Komposer now. I remember using it - it is WYSWYG.


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