Don't say why me

I face problems on a daily basis. Who doesn't? But mine are more important. To me.

I wanted to add an image to my website - a simple image with two boxes with text and an arrow. No, I don't have MsPaint. My system is Ubuntu. And my trusty Gimp is not getting installed. When I try to install, it tells me 100s of other unknown packages to be installed. So I had to login with another version of Ubuntu, install GIMP there, draw the image, then install firefox and mail it to myself.

Yes, I know, first world problems. But there are other problems as well. I kept asking myself why me , again and again and again. I did not get an answer.

Then I started asking the world - why me. I have - had around 1000 blog posts in Perpetually perplexed  out of which may be around 100 are "why me" posts.

I still did not get an answer.

Then I remember this person.

Stephen Hawking. No, I am not writing a eulogy because of his death yesterday. He had a motor neuron disease in his early 20's which gradually paralyzed him. He was in a wheel chair, talking with the help of speech synthesizer. Paralyzed for most of his life, he still continued his research in Theoretical Physics and wrote many books on science for common people.

Did he ever say why me? Even to himself?

No, we are not geniuses like Stephen Hawking. But he is a ray of hope of for any one facing terrible situations. He should be. 


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