Farmers' march

This is a video of around 30,000 farmers marching from Nashik in Maharashtra to Mumbai on March 10th. They reached Mumbai around midnight, and hence did not cause any traffic problems for citizens. (may be other protesters can take a hint from this).  They were protesting against their hardships and government's inability to implement loan waivers. Chief minister of Maharasthra met with them.

So it is old news. Why am writing the post now after almost 15 days?

Because we did not see it in TV news channels, right? Nobody, no TV channel showed this again and again in a loop. No panelists argued and shouted about these "people" of our nation and their problems. No anchor thought this topic was worthy to be analyzed and explained to other "people" of India. It was a no-news. 

They were busy discussing about same stories - nimo, raga, pakistan, and congress. Of course these are the topics nation wants to know.

Or these are the stories the anchors want the nation to want to know.

See, people, people of the nation don’t always know what is important news. How is the death of few farmers important news? And how is their protest march (not dead farmers, but not yet dead ones march) important?

It is not patriotic subject either. Where are soldiers in this story?

So they did not cover the news.

It does not matter to people if these farmers live or die or go to cities and work on daily wages. Even if all the farmers leave cultivating, we will bring grains from Pakistan because anyway we will make it our colony. Right?


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