I love the world

What tells you that you are watching too much TV?

You know the beginning, the middle and the end of all the shows you are watching beforehand.

That happened years ago.

You are so inactive that, when you get up, you drag your feet like a old, arthritic person.

That phase is also over.

You start hating even commercials. That is a new development.

There was this ad where people sitting next to each other ask "why do you love the world". Supposedly they are sitting in Luftansa flights.

I don't think so. I don't think even the globe trotters, people who spend lot of time traveling and "vacationing" love the world. They may love their lives - that also I am not certain.

See, there are two kinds of people in this world. The "P" people and "S" people. You will have to guess what do these letters stand for.

The P people will not love the world unless there is something in it for them. What will be there in loving? Nothing. So they act as if they love every one. As long as there is a camera clicking away, then move on with their business.

The S people are slightly irritated by the world, and by many people in the world. Here the P people come and convince S people that the ones who are irritating them are "others". They are snatching away jobs, lands and even your country if left to continue. The irritation of S people changes to 'dislike' and then to hatred.

Let me emphasize on this fact, if left alone, the S people are good hearted. They just need some one to obey, to worship and then to blindly follow. Unluckily for them, they get these villains who are clothed as heroes as leaders.

So basically both these kinds do not love the world.

But the simple question is why would the P people who control such large masses as puppets, use this power to divide them? Why not use the same power to unite them?

Simple, the united S people, will not be wasting energy in defending their leaders, convincing themselves and others that these leaders have nothing but the welfare of country as their aim.  They may even open their eyes and see the truth behind the P people and start protesting against them.

Wonderful theory? Or cynical feelings of a bitter housewife?


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