
You were reading a pattedari novel, sorry, detective novel. There are multiple deaths and it looks like every one has a motive. Who is the killer? Who is it?

You are reading with bated breath. You will not get up from your chair until the crime is solved. 

This was your childhood reading. I don’t think any one writes or reads detective books any more. May be the kids nowadays neither have inclination nor patience for such lame books.

Does it mean that this genre is lost? Of course not!!

I was seeing a similar program in a Kannada TV channel. The narrator had a bomb. All debit cards and credit cards May be banned in another 15 days.  Will there be a repeat of demonitization mayhem? How will people remove money from banks? She went on and on.

Only after innumerable commercial breaks and infinite repeating of same sentences, she did reveal that after Jan 1st old cards without some chips May become invalid. And banks will replace your old cards with new ones.

So that was one thriller!!

You say fear mongering? May be to some extent. But how else are these TV channels supposed stay alive? 


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