What about

Actor Aparna Sen was seen saying in a TV channel “I don’t want to do what aboutery”. The context was celebrities writing an open letter to the prime minister asking him to reign in the people who are lynching the minorities in the name of Jai Shri Ram.

But I want to. I have so many what abouts.

What about the remaining billion Indians? Do they condone murder of innocent people just because they belong to another religion? 

What about the news channels ? When they can show a small incident 24 hours and have war like discussions about trivial matters, why are they never condemning these killings? What about the Arnabs and Navikas who have declared themselves as representatives of people of this nation? Why are they not talking about these ugly incidents happening in this nation? 

What about our beloved politicians - of all color and creed? When they time to perform drama for 15 days for saving or grabbing kursi, don’t they have time to condemn these ghastly events and try to stop such further lynchings? 

What about you and me? When we can fill our Facebook pages with lols and good mornings and good evenings, can’t we write few words expressing our views on these shameful events?


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