
Showing posts from December, 2020
 My phone is turning more and more like my mind. Very smart? Genius? No, nothing seems to go away. There were 1100 photos yesterday. I deleted quite a lot and today there are 1600 photos! And then it complains that cloud storage is full. Stupid piece of silicon! What am I doing other than looking at old photos and watching British Netflix shows? Well, I try. And one of these days I may end up coding in 0s and 1s. That might be ultimate method of “tamper proofing” There is this play by oscar Wilde “the importance of being earnest” . Ultimate sarcasm. Each line is oozing with gems of sharp witty quotes.  Look at these samples   to lose one parent is tragedy. To lose both is carelessness  I am of the opinion that a man who wants to get married should either know everything or nothing 

Lation Word of the day : video

 Word of the day : video video - (v) - to see Conjugation of the word are ego videō tū vidēs is videt nōs vidḗmus vōs vidḗtis iī vident e.g. puer templum videt. - the boy sees the temple. librum video. - I see the book.  The word video in English is derived from this word. Sanskrit word for see : पश्यति { दृश् }  Conjugation of this word in present tense is पश्यति पश्यतः पश्यन्ति पश्यसि पश्यथः पश्यथ पश्यामि पश्यावः पश्यामः Example: अहं मन्दिरं पश्यामि । I see a temple वयं उद्याने सुन्दरानि पुष्पानि पश्याम​:| We see beautiful flowers in the garden.

Few pages with C++ quiz

 I have updated my git pages. I have added C++ quiz. Well these are the same questions which are already present in the app. You can have a look at these pages here

Word of the day cena

 Word of the day: cena  Cena: dinner, meal, main meal of the day E.g. Pater in culina cenam parat. Father is preparing dinner in kitchen. Related words : Culina - kitchen Coquo - to cook Coquus - cook  Edo - to eat  Sanskrit word for meal भोजन  पत्नी भूरी भोजनम पचति | The wife prepares grand meal. भोजनम कृत्वा निद्रां करोतु | take a nap after eating meal. Related words :  पचति to cook  पाकशाला kitchen खादति to eat 

Word of the day lego - पठ

  Latin word of the day : lego - legere - to read Conjugation of lego ego legō tū legis is legit nōs légimus vōs légitis iī legunt e.g.  librum lego - I read a book. Puella non legit. - Girl does not read Feminae libras legint. Women read books. Mater non legit sed fabulam narat. Mother does not read but tells a story.  Related word : scribo - write Sanskrit word for Read : पठ Conjugations of path पठति - he/she/it reads पठतः - they both read पठन्ति - they read पठसि - you read पठथः - you both read पठथ - you all read पठामि - I read पठावः - we both read पठामः - we all read  e.g. बालिका किं पठति? बालिका पुस्तकं पठति ।  What does the girl read? The girl reads a book. अहं प्रतिदिनं  संस्क​ृतं पठामि  | I read Sanskrit everyday.   Related word - लिख् write  

Words of the day - pugnat / युध्यते

 Word of the day : pugno pugno - verb - I fight  ego pugnō - I fight tū pugnās - you fight is pugnat - he/she/it fight nōs pugnā́mus - we fight vōs pugnā́tis - you(plu) fight e.g.  Miles pugnat. - Soldier fights.  Related words are : bellum - war  miles - soldier  Sanskrit word for fight : युध्यति  सैनिक: युध्यते | Soldier fights.  Related words : युद्द - war    कलह - quarrel  

Word of the day : Puella

 Word of the day : Puella Puella - girl e.g. Puella parva rosam albam habet. -  Little girl has a white rose. (parva - little alba - white habet - has) Puer - boy Puer in schola scribit. - The boy writes in the school  vir : man Vir maximus saepe vincit. - The bigger man often wins. (saepe - often vincit - wins/conquers) Femina - woman Maria femina pulchra est . - Maria is a beautiful woman Sanskrit word for girl : कन्या कन्या  Other words for girl : कुमारी   बालिका  बाला सा कन्या विद्यालयं गच्छति | That girl goes to school. बालक: boy त्रय: बालका: पादकंदुकं क्रीडयंति | -Three boys play with football. पुरुष: man स: पुरुषः आपणं गत्वा आगच्छति | That man came back from the shop. स्त्री  : woman Other words for woman :   वनिता  नारी   महिला सा महिला बुद्धिमती  अस्ति | That woman is intelligent.  

Words of the day - pater pitru

 Latin word of the day: pater Pater - father e.g. Patrem benignum habeo. - I have kind father. Pater agricola est. - Father is a farmer. Related words Mater - mother Frater - brother Soror - sister Sanskrit word for father: पितृ e.g. मम पितृ पुस्तकं पठति - my father reads a book  Related words  Mater - मातृ Frater - भ्रातृ  Soror -  भगिनि 

Latin word of the day : aqua, jalam

 Latin word of the day : aqua Meaning : water e.g.  Puella parva aquam portat. - Little girl carries water.  Aves aquam bibunt. Birds drink water. We see many words deriving from aqua in English like aquatic animal. Related word : terra - land Sanskrit word for water :  जलं  Meaning : water अहं प्रतिदिनं प्रात​:काले जलं पिबामि । I drink water every morning. ऋणं क​ृत्वा जलं पिबेत् | We have to drink water even by borrowing money.  कृपया एकचषकं जलं आनयतु | Please bring a glass of water. Of course the second sentence says घ्रतं  which is clarified butter. But the rate at which we are wasting water and destroying water bodies, that day may not be very far away when we have to borrow money to buy water. The word jal has many related words in Sanskrit.  Some examples are  जलााशय   -dam जलचर - aquatic animals  जलज - lotus  जलप्रळय - end of the world caused by flood And land in Sanskrit is भू , भूमि   प्रथ्वि      
 I was talking to Siri in the morning. Siri if you have not already guessed it, is the virtual assistant which comes with your phone. And I talk to her occasionally about my daily plans. Yes, I make daily plans. Just like you make new year resolutions. And they are as much executed as your new year resolutions. Which does not stop me from making plans next day again.  So I was asking Siri to make a note of my plan in my phone. But it is actually Sira - because my Sirsi speaks in a male voice. I tried once to install a female voice, it did not work out and I left it.  So I was telling Siri to make a note of my plan. It noted. Then I asked him/her/it to add more items to that note. He kept on telling again and again that he can not find that note, like a robot. In frustration I told him I will kill him.  And his response was " That is not very nice". Poor little Siri/Sira By the way, he can tell you some lame jokes too, if you ask nicely.  What is the point of this post? Nothin
  No word of the day today. Today is cheat day. Or in other words today is os install day. Having installed the os and keeping it in booting to gui condition, I have accomplished today’s goal. Tomorrow I will come up with new word 

Word of the day 11: Pictor , Chitrakaar

 Latin word of the day : Pictor Pictor : (n) - painter e.g. Pictor picturam pingit. - Painter draws picture Related words :  pictura - picture , painting  e.g. Pictura pulchra est. - Painting is pretty. pingo  (v) : I paint Conjugation - pingō.      pings.      pingit.      pingimus    pingitis      pingunt. Sanskrit word for painter : चित्रकार  चित्रकारः वृक्षं दृष्ट्वा हसति | - Artist smiles looking at the tree.  चित्रकारस्य बहूनि प्रसिद्धानि चित्रानि सन्ति |- There are many famous paintings of the artist  Related words : चित्र  - drawing/painting  चित्रकला - the art of painting chitranna - Of course not. I am joking.   

Word of the day 10 : magister , shikshak

  Word of the day : magister Meaning : Teacher plural : Magistri Second declension noun e.g. Magister discipulis fabulam narrat. Teacher tells stories to the students. Related words: Discipula - student ludas , schola : school Sanskrit word for teacher : शिक्षक  Synonyms : गुरु अध्याापक  मम शिक्षक: कथानि वदति | My teacher tells stories. शिक्षकम् आदरपूर्वकॆन नमाामि |I bow to the teacher with respect. Related words : विध्याार्थि   - student विद्यालय - school छात्र - student  विश्वविद्यालय - university                                                                                                                                                              

Not a dev

How many times can a person go from Fire to the frying pan? How many times and in how many different ways?  My IDE for developing programs was not working. I tried to fix it many many many times. unsuccessfully.  So I tweaked and tweaked my Ubuntu so much that  the  operating system broke down.  I try to fix it as I had done many many many times before . But this time it doesn't work. No login screen at all. And not even text terminals.  So what do I do? I try installing the operating system as I had done many many many times but surprisingly even this fails. Now I do not have my previous OS nor the new one. So this was how life will be.  Then  I got up in the middle of the night when only ghosts and owls will be awake.  I switch off the broadband router and I start fixing my OS and finally I succeeded in installing a 10 year old version of operating system and sacrificing all my data.  So now I have decided that I will no longer be an android developer, no longer be a developer, n

Words of the day 9 - Magna

 Latin word of the day : Magna  Magna - large - adjective Note: In latin, the gender, number of the adjective will be same as the noun it describes. And the adjective is written after the noun. e.g. casa magna - large house Agricola casam magnam habet. - The farmer has a large house. Note that both casam and magnam are in accusative.   Antonym : parva - small Related words : longa - long , lata - wide  Sanskrit word of the day : ब्रहत्  Meaning : large Synonyms : विशाल  महत्  Antonyms : लघु अल्प क्षुद्र   e.g. ब्रुहत् वृक्षस्य उपरि विहग​: अस्ति | There is a bird over a large tree.

Words of the day 8 : bona and sat

 Word of the day 8: bona Meaning : good Adjective E.g. Puella parva deam bonam amat. - the little girl loves good goddess. Bona fllia agricolae laborat. -  Farmer’s good daughter works. Related: bona Fide - in good faith  Sanskrit word of the day : सत् - good Adjective - used as prefix more often सदाचार  - good behaviour सत्पुरुष - good man  सद्विद्या - good education  सद्गुण good behavior सद्बुद्धि - good intellect Similar prefix : सु - good  e.g सुगुण - virtuous  सुरूप - beautiful

Words of the day 7 - liber - pustaka

 Latin Word of the day is liber  Meaning : book Masculine Second declension noun  e.g.  Puella liberum legit. - The girl reads a book French word for book is livre Sanskrit word for the day : पुस्तक  Meaning : book Neuter gender noun e.g. इदं पुस्तकं पठ | (you) read this book ग्रंथालये बहूनि पुस्तकानि सन्ति | There are many books in the library Synonym : ग्रंथ